The most popular breeds of cats

Perhaps, it is difficult to calculate how many cats live in the world today. However, those cats that belong to a particular breed and have documents registered in one of the felinological organizations may be considered. According to these data, one can approximately understand which breeds of cats are the most popular.

Which breed of cats is the most popular?

According to the results of research by American scientists, the most popular breed of cats in the world is Persian . A lot of people in all corners of the world gave their hearts to this cute and touching long-haired cats with a flattened face and a slightly capricious nature. These cats differ, mainly, with an easygoing temper, kindness and love for their masters, however, some are independent enough to leave them alone in the apartment or do their own business. Special care requires the fur of such cats, but otherwise it is a fairly healthy and strong breed.

The top most popular cats in the world

Populations of cats can change in time, and also the big influence on quantity of this or that breed of cats is rendered by a fashion which periodically arises or ceases. Therefore it is difficult to uniquely place popular breeds in places, but it is possible to list the most beloved ones among people.

Siamese cats are one of the oldest and most beautiful. Their unusual color-point color always attracts attention, and special grace and plastic make you fall in love with such a cat once and for all. Siamese cats participated in the selection of many other breeds.

Sphynx - very peculiar cats, covered with only a small hairline. They are also called naked cats. The breed has a huge number of fans around the world.

Maine Coons - large and strong cats, reminiscent of the appearance of a wild lynx. The wool of this breed is long and silky, the tail is bulky, and on the tips of the ears there are small brushes.

British shorthair cats are very popular now. They are beautiful and independent.

Cats of Scottish breed are especially appreciated for their kind, playful disposition. There are both dandruff and lop-eared representatives of the breed.

Regdoll - these cats are loved not only for their beauty, but also for their extraordinarily complaisant and friendly character.

Oriental cat elegant and slender, her body as if stretched from the nose to the tip of the tail. Excellent cat-companion.

Exotic - this breed is a short-haired version of a Persian cat. Now gaining increasing popularity.

The Kurilian Bobtail is a cat with a short tail and luxurious fur. Outwardly also resembles a lynx.