Diet for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a dangerous disease that is associated with thinning of bones and their fragility, which leads to many problems. In order to fight this disease, it is not enough just to take proteins and calcium, you need to supply them with those elements that allow them to be absorbed. This is the only way to organize nutrition in case of osteoporosis, which will be really effective.

How much calcium do I need?

In fact, products with calcium should be consumed throughout life from childhood, in order to avoid problems with bones in the future. Unfortunately, very few people listen to this reasonable point of view. But it is in the first half of life that the regular intake of this element with food is very important, since it is at this time that it is perfectly absorbed when, as in adulthood, this can cause problems.

Every adult person should consume 800 mg of calcium every day (for example, 2 cups of milk and 1 sandwich with cheese or a glass of milk and a packet of cottage cheese). For men and women over 60, the norm is almost 2 times higher-1500 mg. Consider that in fat-free dairy products, calcium is more than normal.

Leaders by the amount of calcium are cheeses, for example Swiss, Russian, Poshekhonsky, Brynza, Parmesan, Kostromskaya. The use of cheeses in the daily kitchen will allow you and your loved ones to steadily receive the necessary amount of calcium and always maintain the health of the bone system at the proper level.

Diet for Osteoporosis

It's no secret that osteoporosis requires nutrition, which allows you to assimilate calcium, necessary to maintain bones. This requires elements such as phosphorus, magnesium, as well as vitamins A and D. In addition, it is important that calcium can accumulate, and this is promoted by vitamins B6 and K. Do not forget that osteoporosis requires a balanced and proper diet, not interfering with digestion - therefore heavy food should be excluded.

Consider the necessary food for the body with osteoporosis:

It is important to refrain from frequent use of coffee, tea and chocolate, because these products interfere with the absorption of calcium. Limit the need and meat - pork, beef, lamb and the like foods contain too much iron, why calcium is digested much more slowly.