Why do fish die in an aquarium?

Most of the aquarium inhabitants need careful care. This concerns the quality and composition of water, neighbors and vegetation. If the fish began to die in the aquarium, the necessary conditions of detention were most likely not met. To avoid such troubles, it is worth to familiarize yourself with the list in advance, which lists the most common causes of fish death.

Why do fish die in the aquarium?

  1. Like all the inhabitants of our planet, fish need air, they need aeration of water. Before settling, always check the cleanliness of air and water. Fish often die in the aquarium from lack of oxygen. This happens when you have settled many inhabitants in too small an aquarium.
  2. But even if all the rules are observed, sometimes the fish die immediately after settling. This is due to the fact that they have a simple shock from adaptation. That's why you can not release a pet to the common aquarium immediately after the purchase.
  3. The next reason why fish die in an aquarium is the introduction of a disease. As a rule, you will notice a gradual deterioration in the state of the fish, and the disease will spread mainly to one species.
  4. Never neglect aquarium lighting. This is especially true for fans of variegated tropical species. The light day for such fish should last about 12 hours. If there is a lack of light, the biological clock of the pet will break, which will lead to death.
  5. The water temperature is no less important than its composition. It is considered that a couple of degrees can not significantly affect the condition of aquarium inhabitants. Meanwhile, fish are very sensitive to the slightest temperature changes, so that constant fluctuations of a degree can become a serious threat.
  6. Fish die in the aquarium if the recommended water composition is not observed. When buying a new species, be sure to carefully study the water characteristics that are recommended for it. Water hardness directly affects the condition of the pet, if the water is too soft or stiff, it is almost a guarantee of death.
  7. Quite often, problems arise when settling incompatible species. This statement is valid for both carnivorous and herbivorous species. And sometimes only one kind of fish perishes in the aquarium, while the rest feel quite normal. It is likely that there have been changes in the composition of water, which for some fish are unimportant, and for others they have caused death.
  8. If fish die in a new aquarium and all water parameters and selection rules are met, pay attention to the feeding regime. Beginners often dispense only dry food and just throw a handful of granules. Through time from such a regime in fish, the inflammation of the stomach begins and they die in large numbers. In fact, your pets need a varied diet. Enter in the menu vegetable and live food .

Why fish die in the aquarium: warned - means armed

That such problems did not arise, it is necessary to concern to filling and the maintenance of an aquarium seriously. Before you go in search of fish, do not be lazy to read enough literature about the peculiarities of their content. Often such a simple rule we try not to perform and we just find out details from the seller's pet store.

Most often, the reasons why fish die in the aquarium are related to violations of the content. Always keep all parameters of water in the aquarium under control, monitor any changes in the behavior and condition of pets. These simple rules will allow you to notice the beginning of the problem in time and solve it in a short time. Fish can not tell you, but by her behavior you will always notice something is amiss.