How to accustom a chihuahua to a diaper?

As soon as you have a long-awaited Chihuahua puppy in the house, the question immediately arises: how to teach the baby to the toilet. At the previous owner ask if he taught the puppy to do his "work" in a certain place and in which one.

If the chihuahua already has certain skills of cleanliness, then you should build a toilet for him at home, to which he is accustomed. It can be an ordinary newspaper spread on the floor, a cat's tray or special accustoming diapers for chihuahua puppies. If you leave a Chihuahua puppy for a while at home alone, limit its movement, for example, leave it in the corridor or kitchen and close the door there. Place a tray next to the diaper, and when you come home, be sure to praise the baby for the right things done. If he did not succeed, do not shout and do not abuse him severely.

If the pup is not accustomed to the toilet , watch him for several days, warning all his desires, be patient and gradually your baby will learn everything.

Which diapers for dogs are better?

To teach the dog to the toilet you can use disposable diapers . In the store zoovetovarov can be found and reusable diapers, which are very convenient for teaching puppies to the toilet. A small dog, such as a chihuahua, can be taught to use the tray in which such a diaper is laid. It absorbs the liquid well, removes the unpleasant odor in the house. The training diaper is made of strong quality material, it is very practical, it can have a sticky bottom layer for easy fixing on the floor or in the tray. This diaper can be used if you need to transport the dog in the car or in the car. You can buy a diaper, soaked in a pleasant smell for a dog.

But your chihuahua puppy has grown, and you want to learn how to wean a dog from a diaper and teach it to cope with its need on the street. In order to wean the dog from the diaper, it is necessary more often, literally every 2-3 hours, especially after eating and sleeping, to take out to the street in the same place. If the dog does the right thing, be sure to praise her for it and treat him with a delicacy. But if the dog does not go to the diaper, and leaves its "footprints" on the floor, you can scold it if you found it directly behind this matter. At any other time, the animal will not understand why they abuse it.