Shportse frogs

Shportsevye frogs are funny, if not sweet, creatures. They are simple in maintenance and care, because they are very often found in aquariums of amateurs and experienced aquarists. To buy such a creature is also not a problem, practically in any pet shop or in the bird market there is this representative of the fauna.

In the wild, spur frogs settle in permanent or temporary bodies of water with standing water. These creatures are very hardy, can live without food and live in dirty water for a long time. But they have such frogs and their weakness - they can not do without water, quickly dying when the reservoir dries up.

Description of aquarium spurgean frog

The frog has received its name thanks to claws (spurs) on the hind legs, which can reach 2-3 mm. Spurs help to stay afloat, and also protect from enemies. The front legs do not have claws and serve only to rake food.

The frog can reach a size of 10-12 cm. They can be 2 colors: gray with black divorces or albinos - white or gently pink. Very rarely there are brown representatives of this species. The abdomen of the frog is always grayish or white.

The contents of a spur frog

It's quite easy to keep such a creature. On average, one adult needs 5-8 liters of water. Water should be protected within 1-2 days. As a primer, it is better to choose a small pebble. Actually, the frog itself does not care what will be on the bottom and in the aquarium itself, but in search of food it plows all around, and the sandy sand makes the water in the aquarium dirty.

However, there are nuances that should be taken into account when caring for a spur frog. Firstly, she does not like the oil film on the surface of the water, as it occasionally rises upwards to swallow air. Secondly, the aquarium should not have sharp objects, and all elements are firmly fixed, including pots with algae. The fact that the African shportsevaya frog is very timid and with loud noise it starts to rush from side to side, sweeping everything in its path. Aquarists compare the aquarium of this frog with a room for very violent patients ... And thirdly, the aquarium must be covered with a lid or glass, otherwise your inhabitant will crawl out and run away.

What to feed?

One of the main and common diseases of the spur frogs is obesity. They eat everything they are given, and therefore follow the menu and be a dietitian to your inhabitant, it is up to you. Shportsevaya frog albino suffers from obesity more often than other species - it is worth considering when buying an animal.

It is best to feed the frog with bloodworm or beef meat. Do not give fatty meat, it can lead to stomach upset and death. Small frogs feed once in 2-3 days, adults - 2 times a week. If you see fat folds in the frog, hold it on a starvation diet for 1-2 weeks.

Sprout frog breeding

The process of reproduction in the spur frog is very simple. Usually frogs are kept at a temperature of 19-26 degrees, for reproduction it should be lowered by 5-8 degrees. Maintain such a low temperature during 2-3 weeks, after which again return to 26 degrees.

The frog lays off the game usually early in the morning. The female lays about 200 eggs, but sometimes there are cases when their number increases to 2 or even 6 thousand. After 5 days, larvae are removed from the eggs. They start eating in a week, they feed on daphnia, tubules, Cyclops, and a bit later - a bloodworm. Grow larvae in a separate aquarium from parents at a temperature of 20-25 degrees.

Many people are interested in how many live fucking frogs live. With the right content, without overfeeding, the frog can live up to 15 years.