Why does a cat lose a mustache?

It is almost impossible to imagine a domestic or wild cat without whiskers (scientifically vibrating). With this chic decoration our pet looks majestic, like a real master of an apartment. Of course, they are not given to him in vain. Whiskers help their fluffy owner to better understand the world, they like powerful detectors scan the space. Even in different circumstances they behave differently. The cat is interested - the mustache is bulging forward, and if he is relaxed and wants to step back from what is happening, his tendrils will most likely be pressed against the muzzle.

Why does a kitten sometimes have a mustache?

Do not let children drag a cat behind a mustache or cut it. Children's pranks for your pet can turn into trouble. With the loss of these gorgeous "antennas," the cat may lose its sense of touch. But sometimes to the damage to the mustaches are not children's pranks, and the wrong diet. A lack of calcium can cause brittle hair, making it very brittle. It happens that the kitten gets a mustache as a result of some disease - fungal skin lesions, parasites. Microsporia or other infection, allergic reactions to different stimuli, can deprive the animal of the hair cover on a large part of the muzzle.

Do cats have a mustache for no reason? You have already realized that this does not happen. But there are no signs of illness, but hair breaks. You should not discount the possible hormonal disorders. Breakage of hair can be laid down at the genetic level, and for some breeds it is a normal phenomenon ( sphinxes and others). Sometimes a "transitional period" occurs in infants, when problems with the mustache sometimes arise when the baby teeth fall out. The owner in this case can add to the diet of the pet a few vitamins and trace elements. But you need to understand that the excess of these elements is also harmful, any changes in the diet should be reasonable. If nothing serious has happened, then most likely the mustache will eventually recover, and your cat will again become a real handsome man.