How to become an optimist?

We are accustomed to divide our lives into black and white stripes. But if bright and happy moments almost always give pleasure, then not everyone can cope with the negative and the troubles. An optimistic mood in yourself needs to be educated. To do this, you just need to learn to think positively under any circumstances. We will talk about how to do this.

How to make an optimist out of a pessimist?

A pessimist is a person who spends the best years of his life in anticipation of the worst times. The author of this statement was very close to the truth. Unfortunately, in modern society it is customary to keep quiet about one's happiness and achievements, while many are ready to discuss their troubles for hours. Complaints about life are nothing but the work of a protective mechanism of the psyche. The search for problems is his main task. And the difference between an optimist and a pessimist is that a positive thinking person has long learned to deceive these mechanisms and find positive sides in any trouble. What do those who do not yet claim to be an "optimistic person"? Change your mindset and your attitude to life - this is the only correct option, how to become an optimist. Some effective advice will help in this:

  1. It is not so difficult to create an optimistic attitude. To do this, at least believe in yourself and your strength. Do not engage in self-flagellation. Even if colleagues once allowed themselves to call you a useless expert, remember that they did it out of envy. Do not think that you will not get anything done. Better promise yourself that in case of failure you will try again and again.
  2. Do you want to be an optimist? Communicate with positive people. Negative and dreary moods are more contagious than a good mood. As soon as you stop listening to the ever-dissatisfied acquaintances, you will find that your mood gets better day by day.
  3. Do not harass yourself with work and deeds that you do not like. Learn to do all the important and not favorite things in the morning. On the one hand, the activity of the brain will allow you to cope more quickly, and on the other - you will have a free rest of the day for your favorite things and there will be no reason for sadness and anxiety.
  4. As often as possible, read and tell yourself various optimistic statements. Start and end the day with positive affirmations. Forget the phrase: "I can not," "I'm not sure," "I can not do it." Tell yourself: "I wish ...", "I will have ...", "I will do ...". Also your motto can be the beautiful words of great people:

    "Sometimes, to jump over an abyss, you need to take a few steps back"

    "One should not take seriously trouble: optimism is to cross problems with a joke"

    "How many cases were considered impossible before they were implemented"

    "Fate is not a matter of chance, but the result of choice; fate is not expected, it is created "

    "Great things have to be done, not thought endlessly"

  5. Remember that a person who is optimistic, as a rule, always gets enough sleep, leads active way of life, in everything he tries to see only positive aspects and never faint. Such people just do not have time to think about the bad. Even if there was a problem, take it as another test, and not as an attack and an occasion for grief.

If you do not have problems, then ... you are already dead! This argument is not drawn to the most optimistic, but it shows perfectly well that problems are not a reason to drop hands. Your life is what you think about it. Allow yourself to enjoy life, because a person is happy just as much as he has decided to be happy.