How to make yourself learn - exercises and ways of motivation

According to statistics, almost every student, whether a student or a student at least once in his life did not want to study and even thought about giving up his studies. Such doubts provoke different reasons, but there are some methods to return to the textbooks.

How to force yourself to start learning?

When a person performs a task, clenched teeth, the result will be minimal in the end, so it is so important to find a motivation for yourself, which will be both inspiration. Many people can not force themselves to learn, inventing excuses, but usually all the blame is ordinary laziness. There are some simple and effective tips, how to want to learn, which you can try on yourself.

  1. One of the common reasons is that a person simply does not understand why he should go to pairs, spending time for this. The value of education can be understood by doing some research. See if the chosen specialty is successful, what prospects can be and so on. Future success will be an excellent motivation.
  2. If you are interested in how to make yourself learn, then use the following recommendation - equip yourself with a place to study. It should be a separate table, on which there will be no distracting things. Acquire all the necessary items for study and arrange them at your discretion.
  3. Invent for yourself a method of encouragement, for example, it can be candy, walk, play on the computer and other options. Praise yourself for every achievement, whether it's a learned lesson or passing an exam. You can have a more serious reward, for example, traveling for a good result at the end of the school year.

How to motivate yourself to study?

There are many different incentives that will force a person to get up and start acting. It is important to say that people are individual, therefore, different things can cause them to act, for example, for some, the success of others will be a push, and for the latter - a poor and unhappy life. If a person realizes that he needs a push to move, then this is an important step on the road to success. Motivation to learn should be selected by experiment. Using several methods and tips, you will certainly find a suitable option for yourself.

How to make yourself learn - advice of a psychologist

With the above recommendations, experts fully agree, but they also give a few other tips. It is necessary to learn how to properly manage your time. To begin with, it's best to schedule before the habit is developed. It is important to allocate time for both study and rest. Psychologists advise to work on will power, for which it will be necessary to perform some tasks for the first time, clenched teeth. Another tip, how to force yourself to learn, if everything is lazy - arrange some contests and competition. Pari can be concluded with other students or with relatives, for example, whether it will be possible to pass the exam for five or pass the term paper.

Exercise for motivation to study

After making changes in your life, using the advice of specialists, you can perform simple exercises to enhance the result. Regular training will allow you to change your life, change attitudes towards different things and start to perceive the usual things in a new way. Many exercises for motivation may seem strange, but they do work.

  1. "Braggart" . Imagine yourself the subject to which you want to develop interest, for example, it can be any direction in learning. Describe it from the first person, praising your advantages and opportunities. Use the imagination to represent yourself (the subject) in the best light. After a while, once again become a man, look at the subject from the side and consider the advantages that were mentioned earlier. Then try to convince other people of the usefulness of the subject. For those who are interested in how to make themselves learn, this exercise is ideal because it will show all the possible benefits of learning.
  2. "Own praise . " To learn how to motivate and inspire oneself, it is necessary to remember the events of the past when it was possible to achieve some goals and feel the best. It is important to reproduce the emotional state. Be sure to praise yourself for what has been achieved and give a promise to act in the future.

Films Motivating for Study

The film industry annually produces hundreds of different paintings, which differ in their basic idea and purpose. Among the total, you can find really worthwhile films, in which there is a deep meaning that makes a person think about the situation in his life. Thanks to numerous reviews, we can identify the best motivating films to develop and not stand still:

  1. "Mind games".
  2. The Harvard Bum.
  3. "Blonde in law".
  4. "Clever Will Hunting."
  5. The Prozac Nation.

Motivational books

On the shelves of stores there are many different motivating literature, written by professional psychologists and people who, on personal experience, were able to achieve their goals. Motivation for study for each person is individual, but there are several common reasons, not to sit still and start to develop. To understand them, it is recommended to read:

  1. "Be the best version of yourself."
  2. "Awareness".
  3. "Drive. What actually motivates us? "
  4. "What do you choose. Decisions on which your life depends. "