What is humanism and humanity in modern society?

Human life is based on certain moral laws that help determine what is good and what is bad. Many people do not know what humanism is and what principles are invested in this concept, although it is of great importance for the development of society.

What is humanism and humanity?

This concept originated from the Latin word, which translates as "humane". A humanist is a person who distinguishes the values ​​of the human person. The meaning is to recognize the human right to freedom, development, love, happiness and so on. In addition, this includes the denial of the manifestation of any violence to living beings. The concept of humanism indicates that the basis of the worldview is the ability of a person to sympathize and help others. It is important to note that the manifestation of humanity should not go against the interests of the individual.

Humanism in Philosophy

This concept is used in various spheres, including philosophy, where it is represented, as a conscious setting for humanity without boundaries. There are a number of characteristics that help to understand the meaning of humanism:

  1. For each person, other people should be the highest value, and they should be in priority before material, spiritual, social and natural blessings.
  2. In philosophy, humanism is a position that describes that a person is valuable in and of itself regardless of social status , gender, nationality and other differences.
  3. One of the dogmas of humanism says that if you think well of people, they will certainly become better.

Humanity and Humanism - Difference

Many often confuse these concepts, but in fact, they have both common and distinguishing features. Humanism and humanity are two inseparable concepts that imply the protection of individual rights to freedom and happiness. As for humanity, it is a certain feature of a person that manifests itself in a positive attitude towards other people. It is formed as a result of a conscious and sustainable understanding of what is good and what is bad. Humanity and humanism are interrelated concepts, since the former is formed by imitating the principles of the latter.

Signs of Humanism

Known are the main features of humanism, which fully reveal this concept:

  1. Autonomy . The ideas of humanism can not be distinguished from religious, historical or ideological premises. The level of development of the worldview directly depends on honesty, loyalty, tolerance and other qualities.
  2. Fundamentality . The values ​​of humanism are important in the social structure and are the primary elements.
  3. Versatility . The philosophy of humanism and its ideas are applicable to all people and any social systems. In the existing worldview, one can go beyond, as everyone has the right to life, love and other characteristics.

The main value of humanism

The meaning of humanism lies in the fact that in every person there is a potential for development or there is already humanity, from which the formation and development of moral feelings and thinking takes place. It is impossible to exclude the influence of the environment, other people and various factors, but only the individual is the only carrier and creator of reality. Humanistic values ​​are based on respect, benevolence and conscientiousness.

Humanism - Species

There are several classifications of humanists, which differ in the selection criteria. If we focus on the historical source and content, we can distinguish nine types of humanists: philosophical, communist, cultural, scientific, religious, secular, slave, feudal, natural, environmental and liberal. It is worth considering what kind of humanism is by priority:

The principle of humanism

A person must develop and receive a certain set of knowledge and develop skills that he will return to the world through social and professional activities. A humanistic worldview implies respect for the legal and moral standards of society and respect for public values. The principle of humanism implies the observance of a number of rules:

  1. A worthy attitude of society to all people, without taking into account the physical, material and social situation.
  2. Finding out what humanism is, it is worth mentioning one more principle: the right of every person to be himself must be recognized.
  3. It is important to understand charity as a step towards humanism, which should not be based on pity and sympathy, but on the desire to help a person integrate in society.

Humanism in the Modern World

Recently, the ideas of humanism have changed, and it has even lost its relevance, since for modern society the ideas of ownership and self-sufficiency, that is, the cult of money, have come to the fore. As a result, the ideal was not a kind person who is not alien to the feelings of other people, but a person who made herself and does not depend on anyone. Psychologists believe that this situation is leading the society into a dead end.

Modern humanism replaced love for mankind with a struggle for its progressive development, which directly affected the original meaning of this concept. Much for preserving humanistic traditions can make the state, for example, free education and medicine, raising wages to budget workers will prevent the stratification of society into property groups. The ray of hope that not everything is lost and humanism in modern society can still recover, are people who are not yet strangers to the value of justice and equality.

Ideas of humanism in the Bible

Believers maintain that humanism is Christianity, since faith preaches that all people are equal to each other and need to love each other and show humanity. Christian humanism is a religion of love and inner renewal of the human personality. He calls a person to complete and unselfish service for the good of people. Christian religion can not exist without morality.

Facts about humanism

This area is associated with a lot of interesting information, because for many years, humanism was subjected to inspections, corrected, was on the decline and so on.

  1. The famous psychologist A. Maslow and his colleagues in the late 50's wanted to create a professional organization that would consider the manifestation of humanism in society by psychology. It was determined that in the new approach the first place should be self-realization and individuality. As a result, the American Association of Humanistic Psychology was created.
  2. According to the story, the first true humanist is Francesco Petrarca, who put a man on the pedestal as an interesting and self-sufficient person.
  3. Many are interested in what the term "humanism" is in its interaction with nature, and so it implies a careful attitude to the environment and respect for all living creatures on earth. Ecohumanists seek to recreate the lost elements of nature.

Books about humanism

The theme of personal freedom and human worth is often used in the literature. Humanism and charity help to consider the positive features of a person and their significance for society and the world as a whole.

  1. "Escape from Freedom" E. Fromm. The book is devoted to the existing psychological aspects of power and gaining personal independence. The author considers the importance of freedom for different people.
  2. "The Magic Mountain" by T. Mann. This book describes what humanism is, through the relationships of people who have lost the meaning of life and for them human relations come first.