How to bend drywall for an arch?

Today, drywall, thanks to its unique properties, is used in many types of interior decoration. With this material, you can make a rounded niche or arch, suspended multi - level ceiling and much more.

Specialists working with this material believe that drywall, on losing its properties, is able to take any form. But how correctly to bend gipsokatron own hands, not having broken it thus - let's learn together.

Three ways how to bend drywall for arches

  1. First, you need to roll a gypsum cardboard sheet with a special roller or an awl, trying to pierce the sheet only to the middle of its thickness. Then a little moisten the drywall, but so that the water does not pass to the other side of the sheet. After that, put a sheet of plasterboard on the form, which should have been prepared in advance. If there is no mold, gently bend the sheet to the desired radius and fasten it. Now you can insert the sheet into the arch and attach it there.
  2. This method is good because it does not require any additional tools or equipment. And to master this method of creating bent structures from gypsum board is quite easy. The main thing is to try not to wet the material.

  3. If you need to make an arch of a small size, then here is another method, like bending an arch gypsum cardboard. From the sheet of this material, we cut out fragments of the same size and collect a radial surface from them. You can fasten each part directly to the metal frame, and then treat all the putty. There is another way to bend drywall with your own hands: on one side of the sheet make a lot of cuts and bend it, and then use the putty to give the desired shape, gluing the entire surface of the mesh.
  4. To obtain a shallow arch, and provided that the sheet of plasterboard is not thicker than 6-9 cm, no pre-treatment is needed. Drywall is applied to the frame and fixed to it with screws. Your efforts, applied to the sheet, should be uniform.
  5. As you can see, the thinner the sheet of drywall, the better it bends and takes a round shape and vice versa.