Kokskombe Nature Reserve

Belize is a small country in Central America, which is worth a visit not only because of the luxurious spa hotels. It is here that the only reserve in the world for the study of jaguars. This is the only place in the world where the protection of these rare animals that are on the verge of extinction is carried out at the highest level.

Kokskombe Nature Reserve - description

The Kokskombe Reserve was established in the 80s of the last century, but during this time the park area has increased to 400 km². It is located Cockscombe in central Belize, south of Belize City . Tourists actively visit it in whole groups. For their convenience and comfort in the reserve are wide paths.

As visitors come in the afternoon, the chances of seeing a "big cat" are not very great. But the traces of grinding claws are abundant, especially on favorite trees. In addition, on the way of tourists will inevitably find the remnants of the meal, as a reminder that the jaguars in the reserve are still found.

For tourists arranged and laid through the jungle trails, which can go through whole groups. Arriving at the Kokskombe Nature Reserve, it is recommended not to leave them, because outside the trails it is not so safe. The difference between the routes is that two trails pass through the mountain part, and the rest - through the plain.

Prepare for a meeting with the inhabitants of the reserve can be even at the entrance. There are stands with detailed information about each animal that the visitor can meet. They detail the species, the full name is indicated. The chances of meeting representatives of the fauna are very great, because Kokskombe has become a home not only for jaguars, but also for many other rare animals and birds. For example, in the park there are different kinds of lizards and birds, here also lives a rare species of leaf-cutting ants. During the excursions you can observe how the deer of Mazam come to the watering place.

Who is easy to see in the daytime, it's wild guinea pigs, battleships, noses with long striped tails and anteaters. To the unique inhabitants of the reserve are also tapirs, somewhat resembling hippos, only in a greatly reduced version. You can see and kinkazhu, which is a predatory mammal from the family of raccoons.

The Kokskombe Nature Reserve is recognized by the international wildlife conservation communities as a unique place. They come here not only for the sake of jaguars, but also for a stunning view of the mountains. In the reserve you can see incredibly beautiful waterfalls.

Flora of the Kokskombe Nature Reserve

The plant world of the park is no less diverse than the animal world. Only then will visitors see firsthand the sacred Maya tree of the seibo, the unique varieties of lianas, and also the iron tree, which turned out to be so strong that it was practically not used in human life.

The last two representatives of the kingdom of the flora are difficult to meet elsewhere, because the Ceiba was the Mayan Sacred Tree, and the iron tree practically does not rot. However, it was not yet possible to find an application for it, because the density of wood is very high.

Information for tourists

You can come to the reserve for a few days. On its territory there is a guesthouse and camping. It is better to agree in advance with the administration of the park on the number of guests, the length of stay. The rooms are different, according to the taste and needs of the guests. This is a hostel, and more comfortable secluded buildings.

The reserve is open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The entrance fee is different for citizens and foreign tourists and is approximately $ 2 and $ 10, respectively.

In addition to watching the wild nature, the reserve can be engaged in hiking, hiking, or swim in the river. The main thing is to clarify the caretakers, in which places it is allowed to swim.

In this part of Belize there is a lot of precipitation, so when you go to Cockscombe, you should grab a raincoat. The temperature here is kept at a fairly high level, and there is practically no wind.

How to get to the reserve?

There is a bus to the reserve from two cities - Belize City and Dangriga , its final destination is Pointo Gola. There is no special stop near Kokskomba, so the driver should be warned and reminded of it. The trip takes only 3.5 hours. From the Center, the reserve is only 9.5 km away, but you need to buy tickets in Maya Center.