Ointment from the rhinitis Evamenol for children

In autumn, my mother's headache becomes a permanent cold in the child. To as soon as possible to release the crumb from the stuffing of the nozzle and nozzles, it is better to act immediately. One of the most popular drugs today is ointment for the nose of Evamenol.

Ointment for children: advantages in use

The contents of the tube has a thick consistency and a yellowish tinge. It is very convenient and effective, since the ointment does not flow out of the spout and allows it to completely penetrate the mucosa. Due to the mild effect of the ointment, Evamenol does not overdry from the common cold and does not make breathing difficult, as it often happens when using sprays or drops.

As you know, droplets are suitable for children from a certain age. And ointment Evamenol from a rhinitis it is possible to put or render to children from the first year of a life. In addition, not every child will allow you to inject a medicine or drip into the nose, so this is a fairly gentle option.

Ingredients ointment

The composition of the drug includes menthol, eucalyptus oil and petroleum jelly. It is these components with their specific odor that break through the stuffiness of the nose. Due to menthol stimulation of mucosal receptors occurs. He acts as a local anesthetic, dulls pain, also acts as an antiseptic. Eucalyptus oil is known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Ointment for children: what do you need to know about mom?

The agent is often used for acute or chronic rhinitis . Before you spread a spout on your child, be sure to consult with a specialist. The fact is that some babies such treatment can only do harm and cause allergies. Before use, apply a little ointment of Evamenol from the common cold to the children on the most sensitive area of ​​the skin and follow the reaction. If there is no redness, everything is fine.

Use the ointment of Evamenol from the common cold should be neat. Avoid contact with eyes or mouth. In a week, you will forget about the common cold.