How to bewitch a married man?

On the immorality of interference in someone else's family life is not worth talking about - it should already be obvious to any mature, adult mind. Nevertheless, many ladies are interested in how to bewitch a married man, justifying their deed unbearable, just unearthly love. Let's just say one thing - a man who is charmed is not the same as a loving man, so you tie a slave to yourself, not a person .

Ritual Difficulties

When it comes to how to bewitch a married man on their own, difficulties may arise depending on how your beloved is treated with his family. If his conjugal ties are strong, destroying this family will be very difficult for you. This process takes many months, not to mention the fact that you will need to conduct a series of rituals, and not just a full moon to read a love spell.

Your position is simplified if it is a family, where the relationship can hardly be reduced even to domestic ones. The more quarrels and scandals in the house of your married man, the easier it will be to tie him to your feet.

Ritual with church candles

If in this case you can talk about speed, then the answer to your desire, how quickly to bewitch a married man will be a ritual with church candles.

We begin the rite on the growing moon. Before mass, you need to buy 40 church candles in any church shop. At 14 o'clock - the wedding time, start to recite on each candle separately the prayer "Our Father". When finished, tie all candles with one rope and light from one match. For this purpose, a long, mantel match is better.

Take the metal tray and place the candles on it. Speak 12 times the following words, complete the spell with the word "Amen":

"As these candles are burning, so will the love of the servant of God (the name of my beloved) burn to me, the servant of God (your name)."

Now take the "torch" from the candles and extinguish it in the wax. Hide the candles where they will not be seen by a curious eye. You do not want outsiders to know that you are interested in how to bewitch a married man herself. In addition, and the disclosure of the mystery of the spell to someone you will reduce all the efforts of witchcraft to naught.

Every day, light one candle on this tray. You need to burn everything to ashes, because the wax, after 40 days, you need to collect a sheet of paper and bury it under a fruit tree.

At first glance it may seem that forty days is a very long and painful waiting. But separating family ties is not such a simple matter, besides, for forty days you can change your mind and fall out of love. Therefore, such a rite will only make you think and weigh all the pros and cons.