How to boil underwear?

Underwear of white color with regular machine washings loses its snowy whiteness and acquires a light milky or grayish shade. Also, bed linens after machine wash can smell damp. And then, when the wonderful powders that promise instant whitening do not justify the expectations, it remains to resort to the long-known means - boiling.

How to boil underwear?

For 1 kg of laundry is taken 10 kg of water. Accordingly, for boiling you will need a large bucket or bowl. In Soviet times, in each house there was a so-called "welding" - a large saucepan, used exclusively for boiling laundry.

An ancient grandmother's recipe involves the use of soap and soda, at a rate of 20-25 grams per liter of water. Pay attention to the fact that things need to be put in a prepared solution, and only then put on fire. If you add things after boiling water, the dirt can not be washed, but welded tightly. After boiling, it is necessary to fasten the fire so that the boiling is not too violent, and occasionally stir the laundry. After boiling, the clothes are caressed several times in a filled bath.

Jeans, in contrast to white linen, you can boil an hour, a maximum of 1.5. For the specified time they are perfectly washed. Of course, if there is no desire to receive the so-called "varenka", only white and very light jeans should be boiled.

How much to simmer the laundry?

How much you need to boil the laundry, depends on the degree of contamination of the fabric. The standard boiling time is 1.5-2 hours. Then, "boil", or a pan, clean and let the laundry cool to such an extent that you can safely pull it with your hands. Stains can not be washed during boiling, they are washed after the laundry has cooled.

How to boil baby clothes?

Baby underwear wears out quickly and loses color. Many mothers do not consider it necessary to boil baby diapers, because there are modern powders for children's underwear. And yet for the smallest babies doctors advise to boil the laundry, especially at the time that the umbilical cord heals. Many mothers are wondering how much to boil underwear for children, because the diapers are not as strong as, for example, bed linen or snow-white woven curtains. To return a fresh look to children's things will help boiling for 20-30 minutes, and especially strong dirt is removed easily and quickly, if instead of soap use "Ace".

Pay attention to the fact that you can not clean colored linens in the same way as boiling white linen: the paint sheds, and things completely lose their appearance.