Menorrhagia - what is it?

There is a category of women whose critical days become so in the literal sense of the word. Approximately 30% of the female half of the society of reproductive age suffer from menorrhagia.

What is this - menorrhagia?

Menorrhagia is nothing more than a condition, the main symptom of which is a large loss of blood during menstruation, sometimes exceeding 90-100 ml. At the same time, the regularity of the cycle is preserved, but menstrual bleeding may be accompanied by pains in the lower abdomen, weakness, fainting, anemia, a deterioration in the quality of life of a woman, and impaired ability to work. Also, the symptoms of menorrhagia include the duration of menstruation for more than 7 days.

Menorrhagia in women are of a primary and secondary nature. In the case of primary menorrhagia, menstruation becomes abundant immediately after their appearance. The secondary develops after a long period of cycles of normal menstruation.

Causes of idiopathic menorrhagia

In most cases, to determine the causes of menorrhagia and prescribe treatment, you need to undergo a medical examination. First of all, an examination of the cervix and vagina, as well as ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. If pathologies are not detected, a number of tests are done (hormonal background, endometrial analysis, cervical biopsy, hysteroscopy, also coagulogram and biochemical blood test). Menorrhagia should not be left without attention: it does not only cause great inconvenience to a woman, but it can also be a symptom of a serious illness. So, what are the causes of menorrhagia:

The above violations can serve as a reason not only for menorrhagia, but for metrorrhagia . It is worth noting their difference, since the metro, unlike menorrhagia, is a bleeding that has nothing to do with menstruation, and is characterized by its acyclicity.

Treatment of menorrhagia

Treatment of menorrhagia is selected depending on the cause that caused these disorders. In most cases, you can not do without hormonal contraceptives, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory drugs, which are prescribed by the doctor individually. To restore the body after large blood loss, iron-containing preparations are used. It is recommended to reduce physical exertion, try to avoid stressful situations, fully eat and rest.

There are also cases when drug treatment does not give results or is impractical, then doctors practice surgical intervention.

Many women are well aware of the methods of treating menorrhagia with folk remedies. Various herbs and infusions are good for ample menstruation: extracts of cuff ordinary, meadow geranium, chamomile, nettle have hemostatic properties and can be used as decoctions or tampons. However, do not self-medicate. Be sure to consult a doctor to find out the cause of this violation. In case the menorrhagia is caused by a hormonal disorder and other serious pathological processes, folk medicine should be used only as an addition to medical or surgical treatment.