Pion Transplantation

Peonies are perennial plants that can grow in one place for more than a dozen years. Planting and caring for them are quite simple, and these plants are very resistant to diseases and pests . The transplantation of pions is only necessary when they are divided and multiplied.

When is it better to transplant peonies?

The pion transplantation is carried out most often in the autumn, beginning from the end of August and until the onset of October. In this period there is already no such intense heat, the rainy season begins. The pions begin to grow young roots. This means that the divided rhizomes are more likely to successfully root in the soil and give a healthy offspring for the coming year.

Pie in spring, in principle, is possible. You can do this in April-May. But usually in the spring period on the plot of land and so many garden works, and in fact you need then to allocate even more time for replanting peonies. Weather in the spring can also affect the transplantation: frequent changes in the temperature regime, possible rapid warming necessitate abundant watering of the plant. Yes, and plants planted in the spring, may not settle down, while planted in the fall acclimatize almost always. Still, it is easier and easier to transplant the plant at the end of the summer.

How correctly to transplant peonies?

Peyon transplantation is carried out by bushes. To do this, it must be carefully removed from the ground. Before digging a peony, its stems are cut almost to the level of the soil. Further, the plant must be dug at a distance of not less than twenty centimeters from the rhizome itself. Then the bush is carefully loosened with a crowbar or forks and slowly starts to be taken out of the ground, trying not to touch its roots in order to avoid damage.

First you need to choose a place for planting. It is best to choose a sunny open plot of land, but it is desirable that the landing site is not blown by a strong wind. It is possible to transplant peonies to a shaded place, but not near shrubs, trees or buildings, since from a constant lack of light the plant can grow worse and its flowers shrink.

Peony is undemanding to the soil, but it will be best to grow in loamy soil with a lot of nutrient fertilizers. A slightly acid or neutral soil is suitable for transplantation. It should be remembered that the land should be moderately wet, as peonies do not like too dry ground or excessive moisture.

The pit for planting should be prepared in advance - about a month before the date of the proposed transplant. It should have a size of 60 centimeters in length, width and depth. The bottom of the pit should be loosened, peat or compost should be poured. Then comes a layer of fertile land. Next, prepare a mixture of fertilizers, consisting of:

This mixture must be filled with a pit for 2/3, after which the top to fill the garden land.

Before you place a peony bush in a pit, it should be well watered.

After the plant is installed in an upright position, it must be sprinkled with earth, from above with peat or humus to choose from. Then again, the peony should be watered generously.

In October, you need not forget to cut off at the root of the shoot.

If the autumn turned out to be arid, then the peony needs watering. If more often in the yard is rainy weather, then this need for water disappears.

In the first year after the transplant, the peony usually does not bloom, since it is still rather weak. If the flowers did appear, they should be carefully trimmed so that the plant could gain strength for the next year. During the first year after the pion transplant, he needs constant fertilizing and regular watering.

In the second year you can already see a lush bloom.

Peony is a beautiful plant that can decorate your infield. With proper care and transplantation, his flowers will please your look for many years. It is important only to observe the time and timing of pion transplantation.