How many calories are there in dried apricots?

During the diet for weight loss, many people are trying to find a suitable version of sweets that would be beneficial to the body and did not interfere with the weight loss process. Often, such a dietary dessert is used dried fruits , considering them the easiest and appropriate option. Whether this is so, and how many calories in dried apricots you will learn from this article.

Calories of dried apricots per 100 grams

Dried apricots, or dried apricots, is a product with a fairly high nutritional value. Since it is obtained by drying, the density of the product increases, and at the same time all the substances that are found in it are concentrated.

On average, the calorie content of dried apricots is 215 kcal per 100 g of product. This, of course, is less than in cookies or sweets, but due to the high sugar content, it is not recommended to lose weight in eating this delicacy in the afternoon.

How many calories are in 1 dried apricots?

To determine how many such dried fruits you can eat even with a diet, it is necessary to consider the calorie content of 1 piece of dried apricots - and this is approximately 15 kcal. So, not to "sort through" calories, you can afford 2-4 a day.

By the way, dried apricots are ideal for snacks in the middle of the day, when fatigue is rolling. Just eat a few pieces of tea - and you will feel a rush of strength and increased concentration. More than this, it will eliminate the feeling of hunger for a while, and you will easily wait for dinner without extra caloric and harmful "snacks".

Calorie content of dried apricots in chocolate

Many believe that conventional candy is too high-calorie and not suitable for the diet of a weight-conscious woman, but dried apricots in chocolate are the perfect dessert. If to speak Of course, the dried fruits are the leaders in the chemical composition and quantity of nutrients. But the caloric content in these dainties will be approximately the same, as in ordinary average sweets, the energy value of dried apricots in chocolate is 350 kcal, of which only 3 g of protein, 12 g of fat, and 53.65 g of carbohydrates

Thus, dried apricots in chocolate can not be considered a dietary sweetness. If you decide to afford something sweet, then let it be an ordinary dried apricots , and only in the morning, when the metabolic processes in the body work especially hard, and will not allow excess energy to be stored in the form of fat cells. This is an important principle, both with weight reduction and with its maintenance, and its disruptions can quickly affect weight.