Black cat in the house - signs

It has long been thought that black cats are immutable satellites of evil spirits. Even in legends and fairy tales it is told that every self-respecting witch has a living "attribute" of connection with otherworldly forces. That is why a black cat is a harbinger of unhappiness, which is what the signs tell about.

So is the black cat terrible?

Representations about the negative, which, allegedly, bears on a black cat, in fact, do not correspond to reality. Moreover, it is the black cats that are able to ward off trouble from man. So, if the black cat is in the house, what are the signs with it.

  1. Just note that a black cat who lives in a house, as a rule, brings luck to his masters, of course, provided that they love their four-footed family member.
  2. When moving to a new place of residence, it was the black cats who were the first to enter the house: our ancestors knew that these animals are capable of taking on negative energy if it is in the house. Otherwise, the house could "take" the older member of the family.
  3. A black cat in the house gave birth to interesting signs and superstitions, which are still alive.
  4. They say that a cat of black color protects its owners from a bad and envious eye.
  5. It was considered a great success if a homeless black kitten is nailed to the house - this means that protection from evil forces is specially directed to this house.
  6. It used to be believed that a black cat , who had lost his way to a young girl, was a sure sign that she would enjoy success with the fans.
  7. A cat, whose color is similar to the color of chernozem, was considered a symbol of fertility and a good harvest.

If the black, rather, a positive sign, where did the negative attitude to black cats come from? It turns out that it came from an "enlightened" Europe during the Inquisition, when women were burned at the stake, accused of witchcraft, and black cats brought terror to the Europeans, like devil's envoys. That's why when the black cat crossed the road, the sign demanded to "protect" itself from diabolical influence: twist the figure in your pocket, thrice spat over your left shoulder or just go the other way. But this - the prejudices of the Middle Ages, and we, modern people, they do not need.