How to charge an iPhone without charging?

Perhaps none of the mobile phones cause so much excitement, as the offspring of Apple - who became the hero of a lot of fotozhab, fake and anecdotes iPhone. Some do not get tired of admiring it, others consider its popularity the fruit of a successful PR campaign. Whatever it is, in one, the iPhone is absolutely no different from any other mobile phone - it has the property of completely discharging at the most inopportune moment, when the opportunity to call simply in weight of gold, and the charger is not at hand. How to get out of the situation and charge an iPhone without charging will tell our article.

Can I charge an iPhone without charging?

First, let's figure it out, and can I even charge an iPhone without using a charger? Although Apple products have a sufficiently high "intelligence", allowing it to easily sift out non-original chargers, there are several ways to charge an iPhone without them. Another thing is that most of these methods can be classified as extreme and the user should understand that as a result he runs the risk of remaining not only without a battery, but without a phone.

How to charge an iPhone without charging via wi-fi?

Relatively recently, a new explosion of information burst in the network - scientists have discovered a way to turn any device with the function of distributing wireless Internet to an alternative source of energy for iPhones and other mobile devices. Literally, a lot of videos appeared that "clearly demonstrate" all the advantages of such an invention. But in actual fact it turned out that all these projects are still projects, but there is no real way to charge an iPhone via wi-fi. Therefore, you should not try and download different programs for flashing routers that promise to turn them into wireless batteries - there will be no sense.

How can I charge an iPhone without charging?

It does not matter who is the lucky owner of which version of iPhone you are - 4, 5S or even 6, you can charge the device without charging in any other way than one of the following ways:

  1. Method 1 - use of alternative power sources. It's no secret that in addition to traditional chargers on sale, you can find charging, converting electricity into electricity wind, sun or heat. This method can be attributed to the category of pre-emptive rather than extreme - without first visiting the store, it will not be possible to use it. It will be useful to those iPhonesowners who are going on a hike or on a summer residence, that is where there will not be an electrical outlet next to it.
  2. Method 2 - charging via USB-port . This method is so simple that we even doubted whether it should be mentioned at all. The essence of it is that the iPhone should be simply connected to a computer or a tablet.
  3. Method 3 - use of improvised materials. If the "native" charging from the iPhone is missing or broken, you can charge the battery using any other charger. To do this, you need to carefully cut off the plug from it and clean the insulation from the cores, and then attach them with an electrical tape to the connectors extracted from the iPhone battery. It is important to observe the polarity and try to find a charge with the parameters closest to those of the native iPhones.
  4. Method 4 is the production of energy from products. In an extreme case, if nothing else is at hand was not, to get a little electricity to charge the iPhone can be from vegetables or fruits, for example, lemons . To do this, take about a kilogram of lemons and stick a metal nail into each of them, and then connect with each other using a copper wire. An improvised battery must be connected to the battery and left for a long time. It is unlikely to fully charge an iPhone in this way, but it is quite capable of giving 5-10% of life.