Fracture of the ankle

Fracture of the ankle is an ankle injury, which consists of three bones. This is one of the most common types of injuries. Fracture of the ankle may be caused by a fall, stroke or collision. In this case, the ankle goes beyond the natural range of rotation, or a blow occurs along the bone itself.

Symptoms of ankle fracture are as follows:

The course of the disease with ankle fracture, treatment

With a fracture, an ankle is made. Also, the doctor checks whether the arteries are not injured, assesses the sensitivity and mobility of the leg.

Based on this, treatment is prescribed. First of all, the displacement of the ankle joint (the direction of the fracture) must be eliminated. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Further, fixation is performed with a plaster bandage. Most often a plaster bandage is used up to the upper third of the shank ("boot"). The fixation period is from 4 to 6 weeks. This is the most common method of treatment.

There are also operational methods. Basically, they are used when unsuccessful conservative correction, with chronic fractures. In this case, the displaced fragment is repositioned and fixated with a metal screw or spoke. Then also put a bandage. In complex fractures with subluxation of the foot, the fixation period is extended to 12 weeks.

Recovery (rehabilitation) after an ankle fracture

During the period of immobilization it is necessary to perform general strengthening exercises and respiratory gymnastics, exercises for the toes, knees and hip joint.

After the fracture of the ankle, foot swelling is observed. To improve blood circulation and reduce swelling, it is recommended to periodically lower the leg, and then create an elevated position for it. After a few days you can move around the ward on crutches.

LFK after fracture of the ankle in the period after the removal of gypsum is aimed at gradual restoration of mobility of the ankle joint, active struggle with swelling, prevention of flatfoot development, curvature of fingers. The complex of exercises include such elements: gripping and holding the toes of objects, flexing exercises of the foot, tilting forward and backward, rolling with the foot of the ball. Also shown is walking on heels, on toes, on the inner and outer arches of the feet, in the semicircle, practicing on the stationary bike. In shoes, a special orthopedic insole with a supinator is inserted.

Puffiness reduces special exercises with raised legs in a lying position. In the rehabilitation course with an ankle fracture includes a shin massage (up to 30 sessions). It is necessary to restore the neuromuscular system. Other physiotherapeutic procedures are also prescribed: electrophoresis, hydrotherapy, paraffin applications. How much will heal the fracture of the ankle, depends on the severity of the damage.

Usually work capacity is restored in 2,5 - 4 months.

Possible complications after fracture of the ankles: dysfunction of the ankle joint, chronic pain and swelling, deforming arthrosis, cutting off the osteochondrosis.

Diet after an ankle fracture

It is important not only to consume more calcium-rich foods, as most believe. Consider some elements that are also necessary for bone splicing, and in which products they contain: