How to deal with mold - simple tips that will help to cope effectively with the problem

Living next door to harmful fungi is extremely dangerous. The question of how to deal with mold should concern any person who noticed an unpleasant plaque on the walls. To finally get rid of harmful disputes you need a lot of time and here you can not do without a wide range of activities.

Why does mold appear in the house?

Tiny living organisms are always present in the environment, but they do not bother the person in those homes where there are no favorable conditions for their existence. If in the house there were large unpleasant divorces of dirty color, this indicates that the microclimate in your home has changed in a negative direction. Starting to destroy the mold in the apartment, look for the reasons for the appearance of the dispute and be sure to carry out preventive measures.

The main conditions for the occurrence of mold:

  1. A high percentage of humidity in the room.
  2. There is running water, pipes or heating batteries.
  3. Water enters the ceiling through the holes in the roof.
  4. Problems with poor ventilation.
  5. Violation of insulation in the apartment.
  6. The cold comes from the basement.
  7. Uneven heating of the room by the heating system.

How in the apartment to remove the mold?

If you set a goal to find effective ways how to deal with mold, then you should start with the prevention and change of the microclimate in your home. Check the pipeline for minute damage and eliminate leakage. Often moisture gradually accumulates behind a bathroom or a toilet bowl, under facing panels, it is difficult to detect without detailed inspection. A difficult task, how to remove mold, should be solved with the help of a complex of measures, often you even have to change your habits and interior in the room.

Preventive work to eradicate mold:

  1. Periodic ventilation of rooms twice a day.
  2. Stop drying the laundry on the batteries and heating pipes.
  3. Remove from the damp walls carpets.
  4. Do not hang the windows with thick curtains.
  5. Try not to put in the cabinets to store wet clothes.
  6. Install a quality hood in the kitchen and forced ventilation in the bathroom.
  7. Carry out warming of the walls in the house and repair the cracks in the windows.
  8. Reduce the number of indoor plants.

How to deal with mold on the walls?

Spreading of plaque should be prevented by surface treatment with special antifungal agents. First, check the room for cracks and seal them with a solution. The damage can be on the outside of the building, so a comprehensive inspection is needed here. Further in the case, how to remove the mold from the walls, you need to remove the plaster and apply good strong impregnations on the entire damaged area - "Teflex Antipresen", Tikkurila Homeenpoisto, OXIDOM, ECOSEPT Bio Repair and similar preparations.

How to deal with mold using an antifungal agent:

  1. Apply the preparation with a brush, roller or spray on a dry surface.
  2. After 6 hours we perform cleaning, rinse the surface with water and dry.
  3. For drying, it is convenient to use a building hair dryer or a heater with a fan.
  4. Re-apply impregnation to the affected area, in complex cases, it is required to carry out up to 4 or 5 treatments.
  5. We apply new plaster.
  6. After the solution has dried, the wall is covered with a deep penetration primer with an antiseptic.
  7. We produce decorative plaster or glue wallpaper.

How to remove mold from the ceiling?

Work on the elimination of fungus on the ceiling begins with a check of the condition of the roof and floors in the house. Further in the case, how to deal with mold in the apartment, we make repairs in the same way as when removing the plaque on the walls. Use respiratory protection and eye protection so that spores do not enter the body during cleaning. It is desirable to scrape off the damaged layer 20 cm more for the dimensions of the spot. Instead of ready impregnations it is possible to use solutions made according to folk recipes, and common household chemical preparations.

Antifungal folk remedies:

How to remove mold from wallpaper?

Finding a way how to deal with mold on wallpaper should begin with determining the degree of damage to the decorative surface. It is desirable to gently tear off part of the coating and find out the condition of the walls. If the plaster is loose and deeply afflicted with the fungus, then cosmetic methods will not help, you need to completely remove the wallpaper and carry out major repairs. In case of local infection, you can try to get rid of stains and solve the problem of how to remove black mold, by surface cleaning of the wallpaper coating.

Method of cleaning wallpaper depending on the type of material:

  1. Paper wallpaper - wet methods do not fit, the paper instantly deteriorates and becomes unusable. We dry the material with a hair dryer or iron and we remove the remains of the stain with a soft brush.
  2. Non-wiping and acrylic washable wallpaper - resistant to moisture coating can be treated with a damp sponge soaked in an antiseptic - "Santri", "Belize", vinegar, peroxide. After an hour, rinse the remnants of the drug and mold with clean water, dry the surface well.

How to remove mold from windows?

It is necessary to remove the plastic side panels on the slopes and perform their capital processing. Damaged deep plaster or gipsokartonnoe coating remove, do a deep sweep from the fungus. We cover the walls with impregnation and after drying we re-plastered. The problem of how to deal with mold on windows , it is desirable to solve with a waterproofing agent - mastic or a primer based on rubber. These drugs create a durable and waterproof film on the slopes.

How to remove mold in the bathroom?

In addition to standard treatment of bathroom walls with chlorine or other antifungal agents, it is recommended to conduct serious preventive measures and mandatory repairs of old sanitary ware. In this room, in addition to the ventilation pane, an electric fan should be used, and the installation of a heated towel rails significantly reduces the importance. In solving the problem of how to remove black mold in the bathroom , the warming of the outer walls of the room, which is always covered with condensate first, is good.

Mold on the loggia - how to fight?

The main reason for the appearance of stains on the loggia or balcony is the freezing of thin walls, cold floor, poor ventilation and the use of thin insulating glass. You need to remove the old decorative trim, make treatment with antiseptics and replace the damaged plaster. Use the cardinal ways how to remove black mold on the balcony - the insulation of walls, ceiling and floor, the replacement of thin plastic windows with 2-3 chamber bags, we make the installation of a qualitative air intake valve.

How to deal with mold in a private house?

Many owners of private houses are concerned about mold in the house, how to remove fungus in a dwelling - a serious topic for owners of out-of-town buildings, garages, basements and dachas. Often this problem is associated with a violation of technology in the construction of housing - insufficient insulation of the walls, poor waterproofing of the basement, improper installation of insulating glass. If you are worried about the issue of how to effectively combat mold, then check the condition of the roof, install the hood in the kitchen, conduct basic measures to reduce humidity in the premises.

Mold in the corners of the house - how to fight?

More often unpleasant stains hit the slopes and outer corners of a private house. A cardinal way how to remove stains from mold forever - quality insulation outside the walls of the building and eliminating the causes of high humidity. Often, water constantly moistens the wall during rains due to a short peak, in which case it should be pushed outward to the required distance. If the facade material used during construction was of poor quality and deteriorated, surface treatment with waterproofing compounds or a siding installation would help.

How to deal with mold in the basement?

Cellars constantly suffer from the appearance of fungus due to problems with moisture and poor waterproofing of this problem room. If you have felt stale air and noticed dew drops on the masonry, then you should immediately look for the best ways how to deal with mold in the cellar. Often the water gets inside through the capillaries in the walls or is collected in the form of condensate at high humidity. In this case, disinfection of space and work aimed at improving ventilation will help.

How best to deal with mold in the basement:

  1. We take from the cellar food and other household items.
  2. Brush the walls of the mold and old loose plaster.
  3. Disinfect the surface with antiseptic solutions.
  4. The shelves are dried in the sun and covered with waterproof paint.
  5. It is desirable to remove the top layer of the ground on the floor in case of a primer.
  6. Well disinfects the basements of sulfur dioxide, which helps to effectively fight many harmful organisms. This work is done by igniting a special smoke bomb, blocking the ventilation ducts for the duration of the prevention.
  7. The walls of the basement, the floor and the ceiling space are covered with lime mortar.
  8. We put in order the drainage system, water pipes and ebb.

How to remove the smell of mold?

The appearance of the fungus can always be recognized by the spread of a stable musty smell in the room, which can not be removed by standard fresheners or by airing. First we find out the causes of the appearance of mold and make measures to eliminate them. In case of local manifestation of spores on a wet surface, it is possible to make the treatment of this site chemical reagents or to fight them with popular folk remedies.

Ways to remove the smell of mold in the apartment:

  1. Treatment room with a solution of chlorine bleach with water in a proportion of 1:10.
  2. Apply to the stain vinegar solution, leave for 1 hour and wash off the dirt with water.
  3. Fight with an unpleasant smell of mold by applying an aqueous solution of ammonia in a proportion of 1: 1.
  4. Wipe the stain with a sponge dipped in a baking soda solution - 1 teaspoon of the preparation per 1 glass of water.
  5. Use of soda with the detergent - in 1 glass of water, dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of soda and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of powder.

How to remove mold from tissue?

Often unpleasant stains appear due to the fault of the owners, who put in storage not completely dried things. Fungus can spread on curtains, carpets, a baby carriage. Moldy from damp clothes can be put in order, applying eco-friendly methods or special preparations for cleaning. In business, how to deal with black mold on the tissue, helps ammonia, peroxide, lactic acid, whiteness, citric acid and even onions.

Old mold spots on white matter are removed by soaking for a day in the bleach, followed by washing. You can pour mold into the peroxide for a few minutes and then rinse your clothes in clean water, if this method does not bring the desired result, then apply ammonia for cleaning. Helps to solve the problem of gruel from onions, which should be rubbed into a spore-stricken tissue. After processing things are washed with laundry soap or a good powder.

How to remove mold from the skin?

Often, dirty spots appear on shoes, clothing or upholstery furniture from leatherette or genuine leather. There are many methods how to remove mold from such a surface, but it is better to apply the safest means at first. It helps to get rid of dirty sponges soapy solution and a brush with a soft pile. Effectively acting on the fungus ammonia with water in a proportion of 1: 1, this solution needs to process things with a cotton pad.