Seeding of pepper and aubergine seeds on seedlings

Although the planting time for the plant usually falls on May, the gardeners start working with the seeds in February . Among the seeds that can be boldly grown on seedlings as early as the end of winter, are peppers and eggplants. Be prepared for the fact that you have to carefully monitor the state of planting, as they are susceptible to disease. However, compliance with all the basic rules for the correct seeding of peppers on seedlings usually avoids problems of this kind.

Preparation of eggplants for seedling on seedlings

We will begin work before mixing the soil, as the seeds need to be strengthened and help them germinate. Preparation is carried out in several stages: First, we will do our best to avoid the appearance of the disease. We prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate and we lower the seeds there for about twenty minutes. This will avoid infection. After processing, the planting material is washed with warm water.

If you do not yet relate yourself to the master of seedling business, and sowing seeds of pepper and eggplant for seedlings just master, it is better to reinsure yourself. This means that it is worthwhile to awaken the seeds beforehand. Do it best with a solution of trace elements. Put the seeds in a small bag, then dip it into a liquid. In any specialized store you will be offered several such mixtures. After processing, we put the planting material to dryness, the seeds must again crumble. This treatment gives you a guarantee of amicable shoots already two weeks after disembarkation.

Seeding of aubergine seeds on seedlings is not bad after hardening. Temperature changes during the week will help make the planting material stronger. It is enough simply to lay the seeds on the lower shelf of the refrigerator for a couple of days, and then transfer them to a warm place for a day. So alternates during the week.

And finally, just before sowing the seeds of eggplant for seedlings, we will necessarily treat them with a preparation like "Prestige". All this laborious work will be fully justified in the future.

Methods of sowing pepper seeds for seedlings

For work use as containers, and tablets or cassettes. Regardless of which way you prefer, the work should begin in a certain period. The timing of sowing pepper and eggplant for seedlings depends on the conditions that you can provide. If it is possible to provide 24-26 ° C, the work can begin already from February 20 to March 5. If you can not provide a temperature regime, it is better to shift the timeframe by mid-end of March.

Now we pass to the main points of the correct sowing of pepper on seedlings: