Which is better - Aqualor or Aquamaris?

If you often get a runny nose and you have to wash your nose, then it's best to use either saline solutions or sea ​​water . There are also ready-made pharmacy products, which are based on the necessary substances. For example, it is known that Aqualor or Aquamaris better than other improvised tools will help to cope with the problem. And to understand which of these sprays to choose, you need to clarify their composition, additional substances and compare the quality.

Composition of Aqualor

The basis of the natural product is water from the sea depths, as well as all components and substances characteristic of sea water. Washing and treatment of the nose is carried out with the help of this unique natural antiseptic. The isotonic and hypertonic water solution contains trace elements, including sodium chloride. On average, its content is equivalent to 9 g / l. Akvalor also contains the following active substances:

In the preparation there are no preservatives, and it does not dry the mucous membrane of the nose, which is an important aspect when choosing a nasal agent. Thanks to all components, this sea salt helps to eliminate bacteria, viruses, allergens from the nasopharynx and promotes rapid recovery.

Composition of Aquamaris

The drug is made from the Adriatic Sea. With the help of ultrafiltration and sterile production, the drug does not lose trace elements and substances that are characteristic of this reservoir and have healing properties. The composition of Aquamaris Spray includes:

Due to this content, the work of microresis nasal mucosa is activated, and local immunity is also increased. This drug is prescribed for more serious problems than a common cold, for example, for the treatment of sinusitis . With the help of this medicine, purulent plugs are well washed out and the nasal sinuses are cleared. Restoration of the mucous passes much faster.

What is better to choose - Aquamaris or Aqualor?

Aqualor and Aquamaris are essentially similar in essence and content. Both drugs have good therapeutic properties. So you can easily buy any of them. The difference between Aqualar and Aquamaris is only in the convenience of using a special dispenser, as well as the price category. So, Aqualor is slightly lower in price than Aquamaris. It is worth saying that Aquamaris has several forms of release. Among them - an option with the addition of other substances that can, for example, enhance the effect of washing due to a greater content of salts or additionally moisten the mucosa.