How to combine colors in the interior?

Using the color palette you can create an absolutely unique design of the apartment. Different shades have a huge impact on our internal state and psychological comfort. Therefore, knowing how to correctly combine colors in the interior will always be relevant. Of great importance is the overall design of the room, its dimensions and style of the whole living quarters.

Rules for combining colors in the interior

That everything looked harmonious and holistic it is necessary to adhere to the basic advice and recommendations of designers. The main rules for color registration of living space include the following: first, the use of one basic color and its shades. Dilute this combination with neutral colors.

Secondly, a harmonious combination of colors in the interior can be achieved through the use of perfectly matching shades. Such universals include white and similar light colors.

The third rule is to use contrasting shades. A similar result will satisfy a person who wants to contemplate the bright, evocative and bold interior of his apartment.

Another principle is the use of similar, harmoniously connecting shades. In this case, preference is given to no more than three tones. In order to determine what colors to combine in the interior it is necessary to follow simple rules: to use no more than 3 color shades, to allocate one basic and auxiliary colors, to unite or divide the zones of an apartment with the help of color. An unusual combination of colors in the interior looks very bold and common among lovers of experiments and extraordinary personalities. To such incompatible shades can be attributed: yellow with green , red with blue, brown with pink.