LED Tape for Aquarium

Installing an LED ribbon for an aquarium is a simple and quick way to provide your aquatic inhabitants with the required amount of light, while saving space and not suffering when collecting a variety of complex schemes.

Benefits of using LED aquarium lights

Lighting the aquarium with LED tape is completely safe for both people and aquarium inhabitants. The converter, located in the power unit fixed to the LED strip, makes a current passing through it with a voltage of only 12 volts, against 220 in a simple electrical outlet. That is, the tape can be used without fear of short circuits.

The second advantage of LED waterproof tape for the aquarium is the ability to install it directly into the water. Although experienced aquarists advise to keep the arrangement of the lighting elements on the cover of the tank for the best growth of plants and fish, nevertheless, if desired, the illumination can be placed on the bottom or walls of the aquarium.

Light-emitting diodes in a tape differ durability, and also simplicity of fastening. On the back surface of the tape there is a special adhesive layer, by means of which it is well fixed on any surface.

In addition, light in the aquarium with the help of LED tape can be made absolutely any, since the LEDs have a huge number of shades and can even change colors with time. Although for normal life of fish, the standard upper white light is still better.

Installation of LED strip

The biggest difficulty in installing such lighting in the aquarium is the tight connection of the LED tape with the power supply. When working with wires, it is necessary to take into account the polarity, otherwise the illumination simply does not light up. After connecting the contacts it is necessary to properly insulate this place. For this purpose, for example, silicone sealant. After installing the LED tape, you can check how effective it is. If in 2-3 weeks the plants continue to grow actively - everything is in order, if growth is slowed down - you need to add more LEDs.