Sweat for children up to one year

When a young couple has a firstborn, they want to start the process of communication with him as soon as possible. But then it turns out that the little one needs a completely different communication. Not in what adults mean. Babies like rhythmic and simple rhymes, accompanied by claps and movements. What is "poteshki", and which ones are best used when dealing with children up to a year?

What is poteshki?

For a long time, Russia has accumulated invaluable wealth - an experience that has been reflected in folklore. For a long time, entire generations of grandmothers, nannies, moms put many songs, gossips and nursery rhymes.

Sweets - this is nothing more than a small-sized sentences, poems, which directly and accompany any kind of exercises with the baby or his independent actions: dressing, playing.

What is needed for?

Various kinds of nursery rhymes can be used for playing with babies, when they already perform certain movements independently, and this is done by the mother together with the child, accompanying the lessons with songs.

Smiles and nursery rhymes used to distract babies also help and entertain him by switching attention to an object. So, quite often for a mother it is problematic to feed or wash a baby, which begins to be capricious. Hearing the same poteshka, he immediately quieted down and calmed down.

In addition, nursery rhyme for the baby, who is not yet a year, develops his speech center, using fine motor skills and movements, also contribute to emotional development, encouraging the baby to take independent action. For most adults, they look ridiculous and seem pointless, but they give the kid joy.

But the main positive thing is that nursery rhymes help to establish contact between parents and the child from an early age, literally from his birth.

What poteshki exist?

To date, in any children's store, my mother will be able to easily find a collection of games and rhyme rhymes for the youngest. But, if you try, you can remember the most common ones that everyone has on hearing: "Ladushki", "Soroka-Beloboka", "Sely-sat", etc. Here are some examples of nursery rhymes:


Here woke up, stretched,

Turned from side to side!

Potyagushhechki! Potyagushhechki!

Where are the toys, the rattle?

You, toy, wreck, raise our baby!

Or this:

Where are our ears?

Listening to pestles!

And where are the eyes?

Watching fairy tales!

And where are the teeth?

Hide the sponge!

Well, the mouth of the lock!

There are several rules when playing with kids:

  1. Do this at a certain time. Best of all, it will be 2 hours after sleep or during meals, when the child does not want to open his mouth on his own.
  2. Do not overdo it. It is not necessary to quite often and for a long time apply poteshki in game with kids as they quickly get tired.
  3. Use different types. It is best to use several types of games, each day different. This will not overwork the crumbs, and it will be better to remember them.
  4. Both parents must play. As a rule, my mother spends more time with the child than constantly engaged in work and work, Dad. That's why the baby is less willing to play with his father. However, this does not mean that he should not pay attention to the child. Playing with his offspring with the help of nursery rhymes, you can quickly and easily establish contact with him. After a while, the kid will already know all the poteshki by heart and can easily repeat them on his own after the request of the parents.

A long time has passed since the first rhymes-poems appeared for young children. But, despite this, they have not lost their relevance. That's why any kid today and with his parents with great interest and pleasure will play. Moreover, after growing up, the child will tell them on their own. Therefore, we can say with confidence that such games will only contribute to the development of speech.