Vitamin D3 for newborns

Vitamin D3 (kolokaltsiferol) - regulator of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, promotes the proper formation of bone tissue, preserving its strength and density.

Is there a need for taking vitamin D3 for newborns?

Today, vitamin D3 for infants is prescribed automatically. But is it really necessary to take this medication? The answer to a question can be received, being guided by such characteristics, as:

  1. The color of the baby's skin. The more melamine pigment in the skin, the worse the body's ability to produce vitamin D. That is, the lighter the baby's skin, the less artificial vitamin D3 is required.
  2. Place of residence . If you live in a polar circle or in another area where the sun's rays are more a holiday than a regularity, then the intake of vitamin DZ for newborns is compulsory.
  3. Season. Preventive maintenance of a rickets is pertinent to be engaged from October till March, in the rest of the period, the appointment of vitamin D3, as a rule, is meaningless.
  4. The time of the birth of the baby. Babies born in the winter are usually recommended to take a short time to take the drug.

Infants are restricted to mother's milk. It, as a rule, contains the whole complex of necessary substances, therefore there is no need for additional intake of vitamin D3 for newborns. Those times when rickets was very common among children who are on artificial feeding, have already given out. Today, any quality milk formula contains the right amount of vitamin D.

According to the instructions, vitamin D3 for newborns is prescribed for the prevention of rickets - a serious enough, but very rare disease. Rickets frightens many parents, who at every start of the baby begin to suspect the presence of this disease. Contrary to frequent misconceptions, symptoms such as sweating of hands, feet, head, wiped neck, restlessness and capriciousness, hypertension of muscles, crooked legs are not signs of vitamin D3 deficiency and especially rachitis.

The child of the first year of life requires a certain dose of vitamin D - 500 mE. If there are any doubts, if the baby of this substance gets enough from natural sources, it is recommended to give him an additional drop of vitamin D3 per day.

What vitamin D3 solution should I choose?

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find oil and water solutions of vitamin D3 . Water is preferable to oily, since in a smaller amount it accumulates in the body, and its reception is accompanied by a lower risk of overdose. Today, many pharmaceutical companies have abandoned the production of vitamin D3 preparations for newborns on an oil basis. However, for the prevention of rickets and replenishment of an insufficient amount of vitamin D, both aqueous and oily solutions are quite suitable, in the meantime, it is better to use water for the treatment of existing rickets.

How to give vitamin D3 to the newborn?

"Shove" any medicine in the mouth of a baby, and even make him take a sip, sometimes becomes a real test for my mother. Vitamin D3 for newborns and infants is usually diluted in a tablespoon of digested water or other liquid and give the crumb from a spoon, a syringe (without a needle) or a pipette. For babies-artificers, the bottle they are familiar with is quite suitable.

At the same time, strictly observe the dose prescribed by the doctor, in any case do not increase it as if for the benefit of the child. Preparations of vitamin DZ belong to the group of drugs, the slightest overdose that threatens with serious consequences.

How to take vitamin D3 to the newborn? There is no fundamental difference, you can give the facility to the kid both before the meal, and after it.

According to the instructions, the standard scheme for the prevention of vitamin D3 deficiency for newborns involves the administration of 500 IU of aqueous solution (1 drop of the drug) once a day.

Symptoms of an overdose of vitamin D3

Symptoms of an overdose of vitamin D3 are often confused with signs of its deficiency, prescribing an additional dose of the drug and, thereby, exacerbating the situation. Excessive amount of vitamin D3 disrupts calcium metabolism and provokes the appearance of allergic reactions, increased nervous excitability, sleep disturbances.