The baptism of a child - what do you need to know?

If you believe in God, you probably know how important it is for a baby to have his own guardian angel and to be under the patronage of higher powers. For this, the born crumb should be introduced as quickly as possible into the bosom of the church, but to do it according to the canon. Consider what you need to know about the baptism of a child in order to conduct this rite correctly.

Important facts about baptism

Accomplishing the baby to the Orthodox faith is a very exciting and significant event in the life of each family. Before going to church, be sure to read the following information about baptism:

  1. If a newborn does not feel very well, he should be baptized in the first days of life: this will help to strengthen his health. When it's all right with the baby, it's better to count 40 days from the date of birth. According to the Bible, during this time there will be a purification of the mother and then she will be able to attend the rite. Some parents prefer to wait until the baby gets stronger, and be baptized when he turns a year or two. However, remember that a grown up child can be capricious, since the ceremony lasts about an hour, and even more difficult to dip into a font.
  2. Information about the date of this holy ordinance is also what one must know before baptizing a child. About him you can agree on almost any day and time, even on holidays such as Easter or Trinity.
  3. Especially carefully it is necessary to approach the issue of choosing godparents. They should not only be close in spirit, but also truly believe in God, to become a spiritual guide for the godson. For the baby it is necessary to have a receptor of the same sex with him: for the boy - a man, and for the girl - the representative of the fair sex. Preferably, of course, if possible choose both the feline and the kum. What you need to know when baptizing a child with the godfather, they are best told by a clergyman. Therefore, future spiritual parents should attend a conversation in the temple, where they will be told in more detail about their future duties, the Passion of the Lord, the Gospel, etc. No godparents can be spouses, people with unstable psyche, atheists, sinners (alcoholics, drug addicts, etc. .).

Practical advice on baptism

Before planning a rite, it is important to imagine what you need to know for the child's baptism. For everything to be done according to the rules, you should:

  1. To buy kryzhmu (this task is assigned to the godfather), a chain with a cross (it is believed that they are bought by the godfather) and a baptismal shirt or suit.
  2. Make a donation for baptism. It is not mandatory, but you must understand that the church is a non-profit organization and often the burden of the cost of maintaining the temple falls on the shoulders of the parishioners themselves. But if you do not want to pay, you can not refuse to carry out the sacrament. If you are faced with such a situation, contact the dean - the priest, who keeps order in the parish.
  3. Before going to church, make sure that you know everything you need to know when baptizing a child to parents. Present dress appropriately: women in long skirts, blouses covering shoulders, or long dresses, men in long trousers. It is inadmissible to conduct a ritual during the months of a mother or a godmother. Make sure that everyone has a cross. If you are interested in what prayers you need to know when baptizing a child, do not worry: it's just a Symbol of Faith. His words godmothers must learn before the performance of the sacrament.

Now it's possible to photograph or shoot video in church in most cases, but some fathers do not like it, so check it out in advance.