How to feed a one-year-old child?

Probably every young mother has a question: how and what to feed her one-year-old child. After all, after his first birthday, he becomes more legible in food, but less hungry. Therefore, it's time to make some changes to the habitual regime and diet of your baby.

How many times and what should I feed a one-year-old child?

A child aged 1 to 1.5 years should eat five times a day. The baby should be fed simple food that does not cause allergies, while the main product is still milk. Some mothers continue to be breast-fed, and some use regular milk to make various cereals or vermicelli. Also every day a child should receive a portion of fermented milk products and cottage cheese, so necessary for bone growth. In addition, you can already offer the child a salad of fresh vegetables - carrots, cabbage, cucumbers. Certainly, it is not necessary to give the child smoked, fried dishes, as well as fatty, spicy and pickled food. One should carefully introduce red fruits and vegetables into the ration of a one-year-old child, and avoid allergen products: citrus, chocolate, honey, mushrooms.

Approximate daily diet of one-year-old child


For breakfast, the baby can be offered milk porridge (rice, corn, buckwheat), vermicelli, boiled egg or omelet , bread and butter. From drinks - fruit tea, compote, juice.


Lunch should include the first and second course. The first child should prepare hot dishes on meat or chicken broth - borsch, potato soup, vegetable, fish. As a second course, children are given meat products in the form of cutlets and meatballs, soufflé from the liver or fish dishes, but no more than 2 times a week. On the garnish you can cook vegetable puree from potatoes, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower. From drinks you can offer - fruit jelly, compote of dried fruits, decoction of wild rose, fruit tea, juice.

Afternoon snack

The snack should be light enough. It can be fruit puree, cottage cheese, curds, kefir or yogurt with biscuits.


For dinner, it also does not cost the child to feed with hard-digested food. Therefore, cereal or vegetable dishes are best. From drinks - sour-milk drinks, children's tea, compote, juice.

Night Feeding

Either breast milk or a sour milk drink.

To provide the child with a variety of dishes, the menu should preferably be prepared a few days in advance.