How do you know if your stomach is down?

The lowered abdomen is one of the signs of the approaching genera. But how do you understand that your stomach is down? Especially this issue worries those women who are first preparing to give birth to a child. Is it gradually or quickly, and what are the sensations when the stomach is lowered? We will try to give answers to these and other questions concerning the signs of the abdominal drop before delivery.

How do you know if your stomach has fallen?

Some pregnant women note that it is easier for them to breathe shortly before birth. This is due to the fact that the baby has already started to move deeper into the pelvis, and now it does not press so much on the diaphragm. This is a clear sign that the stomach is lowered, although not always visually.

Together with the relief of breathing, a pregnant woman becomes more difficult to sit and walk. Sometimes it seems that the pelvic bones diverge. So it is - the body is preparing for the approaching childbirth. In addition to this, frequent urination is becoming more frequent. Now you run a hundred times in the toilet not only during the day, but also at night.

Another sign, along with the relief of breathing, is the disappearance of heartburn attacks. The dropping womb now does not press and does not so strongly prop up the stomach, which reduces or nullifies the cause of heartburn - the ejection of food from the stomach into the esophagus. And, in addition, the disappearance of heartburn occurs and because of the increasing production of progesterone. This hormone also has an effect on alleviating the symptoms of heartburn.

In order to check if the stomach has fallen, you can put a palm between the chest and stomach. If it is placed in this space, then the stomach has lowered. In some women, the lowering of the abdomen is seen, as they say, with the naked eye. Their lowered belly now looks not like a circle or an oval, but as a pear.

It happens, of course, and so that a woman does not feel and does not see any signs that her stomach has fallen. You can check this if on any smooth surface (be it a mirror or a door jamb) daily mark the level of the navel. With this simple method, it is possible to track the dynamics of the descent.

In any case, you can ask about the belly dropping from your doctor. Usually at each routine examination he measures the height of the bottom of the uterus. And when this parameter begins to decrease, it speaks eloquently that the stomach is gradually lowered.

And remember that every organism has its own characteristics. Therefore, one woman can clearly see and feel that her stomach has fallen, and someone this moment occurs already directly during childbirth.