The order of eruption of milk teeth

All parents are impatiently waiting for the first tooth from their baby. They look into his mouth and are worried that something will go wrong. Teething in a child is an important stage in his life. On how this process will take place, the condition and health of the oral cavity in the future depends.

There are a lot of conflicting opinions and misconceptions about the milk teeth . But the main thing that you need to know about your mother is not to interfere in this process, if you have a question, it is better to see a doctor. The doctor will tell you what is the order of eruption of milk teeth and the timing of their appearance. But each child is individual, and not always pathology is that it does not correspond to the generally accepted scheme.

How should the baby's teeth appear?

It is believed that the first tooth should come out about six months. But this can happen in three months, and even at eight - it's all right. The main thing is that by the year there will be at least one.

The scheme of the appearance of teeth

Most children still get teeth in a certain order:

And by the age of two the child has 16 teeth. Then the last four molars grow, and the dentition is finally formed in three years.

At this time the baby's teeth should be smooth, without gaps, otherwise it can lead to pathologies and diseases of the oral cavity at an older age.

Somewhere in 6 years begins the change of teeth to indigenous, but also dairy continues to grow to 12 years. By this time, the child's jaw acquires a permanent appearance. If the order of eruption of the baby teeth is broken, this may indicate pathologies or diseases, and can lead to caries, periodontal disease and other diseases.

Causes of pathologies

Parents should be concerned if the teeth of the baby are cut very early - it can talk about endocrine disorders; if no teeth have grown by the year, or they grow outside the series, and also if they are not formed correctly: their color, shape or lack of enamel are changed. The wrong order of eruption of milk teeth can be said only when there are 16 of them.

What can lead to violations?

To baby's teeth normally develop, you need:

On violation of the order of eruption of milk teeth can speak only after a year. But usually at this time, parents no longer look into the baby's mouth, since all the troubles associated with this are behind.

What are the symptoms of pathology?

Pay attention to the following signs:

But most often the teeth of the kids climb without pathologies, although they are giving them some trouble. And only your love, affection and care will help the child to cope with this difficult but important period for him.