Bottle caries

Not only adults, but also babies are affected by tooth decay. In people, group tooth lesions in children are called bottle caries, but there are other signs, for example: circular, nursery, kefir, milk caries. First, the disease manifests itself in the form of spots on the group of upper incisors and canines. Sometimes these spots are hidden behind the bloom and gradually acquire a light brown or black color. After a while caries destroys teeth and holes appear in them.

Causes of bottle caries

This disease occurs when the following causes interact:

The appearance of caries occurs according to the following scheme: carbohydrates, which are part of the juice, milk or special mixtures remain on the child's teeth, feeding the bacteria in the oral cavity. Since there is no active self-cleaning of the teeth at night, tooth decay begins to develop rapidly and affects teeth, on which there are remnants of milk or a sweet mixture. Destruction begins with the front incisors and can affect the lower teeth. If you do not go to the doctor in time, caries can affect all of the child's teeth.

How to treat bottle caries in children?

When a disease occurs, it is very important to contact a qualified pediatric dentist who will assess the extent of the problem and propose appropriate treatment for bottle caries. Note that this disease occurs at an early age (up to two years), so you need to treat a restless child in conditions of general anesthesia or anesthesia.

The most accessible and widespread way of treatment is silvering of a tooth , however appearance after this procedure leaves much to be desired. A more expensive and effective analog of silvering is the sealing of the tooth. The procedure is carried out with a sealant, which creates a strong film on the surface of the enamel. What if the bottle caries destroyed the enamel? In this case, a full-fledged treatment should be carried out, namely:

It is extremely undesirable to tear your teeth, as this can cause an incorrect bite and a malfunction in the development of children's teeth. Some parents are experimenting with the treatment of bottle caries folk remedies. Unfortunately, no decoctions and lotions here do not help. The only thing is, you can organize proper nutrition and properly clean the baby's teeth. For cleaning, you can use a tampon made of gauze, soaked in soda.