How to get rid of facial hair - the best ways

How to get rid of facial hair is a question that many girls are puzzled about. All ladies tend to look perfect, but some of this is given with great difficulty. According to statistics, every twentieth woman of childbearing age is faced with hirsutism - excessive hair growth. In the climacteric period, the problem occurs in 25% of the ladies.

Why do women grow hair on their faces?

You can understand this question. In humans, there are 2 types of hair: rod and gun. They grow from different bulbs. Pushkin hair is very delicate and delicate, and the core hair is stiff and thick. Under the influence of sex hormones, the first type of bulb is reborn in the second. As a result, the hairs of the hair turn into rod hairs (they become coarse and rigid).

This situation provokes increased production of androgens. This hormone is produced by the adrenal glands. Such hyperandrogenism is caused by the following reasons:

In addition, hyperandrogenism can be ovarian. It is caused by such problems:

Here's why the hair grows on the face:

Hair removal on the face at home

Some girls struggle with increased "vegetation" independently, without resorting to the help of beauty salons. Hair removal on the face of the house is much cheaper. However, one must be realistic and understand that the result will not be lightning fast, and if it does, it will be preserved only for a certain time, therefore the procedure will have to be repeated many times. For the independent struggle against hirsutism, various methods and means can be used.

Cream for facial hair removal

This tool helps quickly and painlessly to make the skin smooth. In the composition of this depilator is thioglycolic acid. This component literally destroys the rod, so that the hairs become more brittle and brittle. After applying the cream after 10 minutes, the remains of the "wool" simply need to be removed with a special spatula. The effect lasts about a week.

Removal of unwanted facial hair should be carried out with the following rules:

  1. You can not use the depilator as a means for eyebrow correction.
  2. To wash off the rests of a cream it is necessary pure water (without soap).
  3. Apply the depilator to the area of ​​the face that has been cleaned from the contamination.
  4. Use this cream can not more than 1 time per day.

Before you get rid of the hair on your face, you need to choose the correct depilator. Such cosmetic products can be used:

Facial hair removal

This technique of epilation is simple. To perform this procedure you need a silk thread. It must be twisted in the form of 8-ki. Hair removal on the face is carried out as follows:

  1. Tonic or special gel needs to clean the skin area being treated.
  2. It is necessary to apply a hot towel (this will ensure maximum comfort and remove painful sensations).
  3. The skin needs to be dried. At the time of epilation, the face should be dry.
  4. The twisted middle of the 8-ki should be located at the base of the hair. Then you need to jerk a sharp movement. Conduct a string against the growth of hairs, gradually getting rid of each of them.
  5. After the procedure, you can not visit saunas, and in the sun, prolonged stay is prohibited.

Hair loss spring for face

This device is made of metal, and at its ends are rubber, silicone or plastic nozzles. Here's how to get rid of unwanted hair on your face with a spring:

  1. It is important to make sure that there is no papillomas, moles, irritations or wounds in this area.
  2. The surface is wiped with an antiseptic. Ideal option is Chlorhexidine. Drugs created on an alcohol basis, can overdry the skin, so they do not use.
  3. The spring is taken by the tips and bent by the letter U. Then the upper part of the arc is pressed against the skin.
  4. Holding on the tips with your fingers, slowly turn the spring. During this procedure, the device grabs the hairs and helps to get rid of them.
  5. After combating excess "vegetation" the skin is repeatedly rubbed with an antiseptic.

The spring can easily remove the fleece hairs on the face. It can also be used to pull out a single rigid "vegetation". The use of this device gives a lasting effect. The growth of the hairs is much slower than normal hair growth. A new "vegetation" after epilation will appear only after 2 weeks, and more often later.

Strips for facial hair removal

In addition to cosmetic wax , there are caring components. For example, to reduce the consequences after depilation, on the strip some manufacturers apply aromatic oils. Wax for removing facial hair can be used many times. Depilation should be carried out as follows:

  1. Before you get rid of the hair on your face, the strip should be slightly warmed in your hands.
  2. To impose it follows along the growth of "vegetation". Then you need to slightly press down the strip and smooth it.
  3. Get rid of it by its sharp movement in the opposite direction from the growth of hairs.
  4. The treated area is lubricated with a lotion or cream, which prevents irritation.

Mask for facial hair removal

To get rid of the abundant "vegetation" homemade homemade compounds will help. However, before using the facial hair remover, you need to make sure that there are no allergies to the ingredients that make up it. More often in the fight against hair, a mask made of turmeric is used. No less popular is a product made from powder dried dried apricots and honey.

Hair removal in the face in the salon

Modern cosmeticology abundant "vegetation" does not consider an insurmountable problem. In beauty salons, women can be offered different ways to deal with it. Such specialized centers have modern equipment. Also there are highly skilled professionals who know how to get rid of hair on the face forever. They will take into account the individual characteristics of women and help to choose the best method of hair removal.

Laser facial hair removal

During this procedure, the cells that contain melanin are heated, and the follicle is destroyed. The epidermis does not get injured during epilation. Removal of facial hair with a laser can only get rid of those "sprouts", the length of which is more than 3 mm. However during such procedure on a skin there are also "sleeping" bulbs: they will enter an anagen phase and there will be a new problem. For this reason, laser hair removal on the face permanently provides for several sessions.

The following factors account for the significant advantages of such epilation:

Facial photoepilation

Such a technique involves exposing the problem area to high-impulse light. Photo-waves deprive the follicles of nutrients, as a result, it leads to hair loss. Such hair removal can be done even to swarthy girls. Photo-waves can cope with any type of hairs, including hard ones. For the procedure to be successful, the length of the "shoots" should be 1-2 mm. If they are larger, the likelihood of getting burns during the heating of the surface is high.

Hair removal on the face is forever performed as follows:

  1. Apply the cooling gel to the area to be processed.
  2. To get rid of hair, spend 4-5 flashes.
  3. Cover the skin with a protective cream.

Electrolysis of facial hair

This method of getting rid of a strong "vegetation" has been used for more than 100 years. It has such subspecies:

Before you get rid of unwanted facial hair, assess the condition of the epidermis. In addition, when choosing a procedure, the cosmetologist will take into account other features of the woman's organism - chronic diseases, hereditary factor and so on. During electroepilation, the device for removing facial hair brings a thin needle to each "sprout". It starts an alternating current, which destroys the follicles.

The shortcomings of this procedure include the scars that appear on the skin after epilation, minor burns and irritations. Over time, with proper care, these problems disappear. Another significant disadvantage of electrolysis is a painful sensation during the procedure. For this reason, before you get rid of excess facial hair in this way, "freezing" aerosols are applied to the skin.