How to get rid of hair on your legs?

On the eve of the spring-summer season of wearing skirts, dresses and rest in swimsuits, every woman thinks about choosing suitable ways how to get rid of hair on her legs. For this, there are many techniques, each of which has its own pros and cons. Some of them allow to eliminate undesirable "vegetation" for only a few days, while others have a longer lasting effect.

How to get rid of hair on your feet forever?

Recipes and advice, promising to get rid of unnecessary hair forever, many. Unfortunately, none of them work. Moreover, it is impossible to remove "vegetation" for life even with the help of modern cosmetic procedures.

In order to completely stop the appearance of hair, it is necessary to eliminate its cause - to remove the bulbs from which they grow. But the process of growth occurs in stages:

  1. Telogen - the period of rest of the bulb. At this stage, nothing grows out of it, so you can not see where it is. You can not destroy such a bulb.
  2. Katagen is the beginning of growth. Hairs thin and almost not pigmented, extremely difficult to remove.
  3. Anagen is an active growth. At this stage, hair removal is performed when they are clearly visible and contain a sufficient amount of dark pigment.

In the anagen stage, usually not more than 30% of all bulbs are found, respectively, it is impossible to destroy everything at once. And even with a long regular removal of "vegetation" there is no guarantee that the dilapidated bulb will not resume its activity.

How long to get rid of hair on your legs?

A technique that allows you to remove unwanted hair for a long time - epilation. In the beauty salons are offered its following varieties:

Each type of hair removal involves several courses, including 4-8 procedures.

A cheaper way to get rid of excess hair for a period of up to 4 weeks - depilation:

How can I quickly get rid of hair on my legs at home?

The most painless and quick methods of hair removal are shaving with a conventional or electric machine, as well as applying special creams for depilation.

The disadvantage of these methods is the short-term effect, only 1-3 days. Therefore, most women use epilators or conduct salon procedures at home, removing hair with wax or sugar paste.