Exstrophy of the bladder

Exstrophy of the bladder, found in children, refers to complex malformations. With such a violation, the anterior wall of this organ, as well as the abdominal wall that extends to it, is absent. As a result, there is a splitting of the external genitalia, the lone articulation and the urethra. The mucous membrane of the bladder itself protrudes outward through the defect of the anterior abdominal wall. Ureters are located within the open area of ​​the bladder, because the urine constantly flows outward. The dimensions of the site itself can vary within 3-10 cm.

How often does such a violation occur?

It should be noted that exstrophy of the bladder refers to somatic pathology and occurs rarely. According to literary sources, the violation is not observed more than once in 3000-5000 newborns. In this case, boys are more common, - about 2-6 times.

With the development of the disease, comorbid disorders, such as inguinal hernia and cryptorchidism , are most often diagnosed .

How is the treatment performed and what is the outcome of the disease?

The only method of treatment is surgical intervention. In his absence, about half the children do not survive to 10 years, and about 75% die by 15 years. The main cause of death of children is an ascending infection of the urinary tract, which leads to the development of chronic pyelonephritis, kidney failure. Some literature sources have information that unoperated patients survived to 50 years, but in such cases the probability of developing a malignant tumor increased.

Given the above facts, surgery to eliminate bladder exstrophy, especially in girls, should be carried out in infancy - in 1-2 years. In this case, surgical treatment should solve the following problems:

It is worth noting that preoperative examination is of great importance, which usually includes assessment of kidney function, blood tests, urography, ultrasound, colonoscopy, irrigography. After the performed operation, the result is assessed by X-ray radiology examination.