How to grow a mandarin?

At first it may seem surprising and even impossible to grow a plant on the window, which brings ripe and full-value citrus fruits. But many people take up this matter, and after a while they enjoy using the results of their work - sweet and juicy mandarins. Why not try it for you? And how to grow a mandarin at home - we'll tell you now.

How to grow a mandarin from a seed?

First we need seeds, that is, seeds. It is easy to get them - you need to select several ripe mandarins in the store. It is desirable that the seeds were at least 5 pieces, since not all of them will germinate, but we need a 100% result on the first attempt.

Bones before planting in the ground should be prepared. How to grow a mandarin - for this we wrap them in moist gauze and for several days we support it in this moistened state. When the bones swell and proklyutsya, you can proceed to disembark.

The most suitable soil is a special mixture for citrus, which can be bought in the store. Although, in principle, you can use any other light soil mixture. If you want to cook it yourself, take in equal parts leaf and sod land and add to it the overgrown compost and manure humus. Based on the peat mixture, we absolutely do not fit.

To plant it is necessary in a pot with a drainage system, that is, with holes in the bottom. To have the first shoots, you need to wait a few weeks, and sometimes even a month. And in general, get ready for the fact that the mandarin tree grows very slowly, and sometimes stops growing. But with proper care, in the end, you will get your ideal fruiting plant.

Mandarin - how to care?

The most important condition for growing mandarin is abundant lighting for 12 hours a day. Since our climate zone can not boast of such a long light day throughout the year, we need to take care of an additional light source - a day lamp or a special lamp for plants "Reflax".

It is also important to maintain the optimum humidity level. Fill the plant is not necessary, especially in the winter. But you need to regularly spray the leaves of the plant with soft purified water. Alternatively, you can place a mini-fountain or a room air humidifier next to the pot.

To grow a large mandarin, it should be transplanted into a pot as it grows, 3-5 cm larger than the previous one. It is necessary to transplant together with an earthen lump, so as not to damage the roots. As a fertilizer for the plant, you can use spiky tea leaves.

When your plant grows to 1.5 meters in height and is covered with fragrant flowers and fruits, it will certainly become the center of attention of all your households and guests.