Zinnia - planting and care in the open ground

Bright zinnia - almost "must-have" every self-respecting gardener. A spectacular large bud of soft velvet petals resembles a lavish cap of various colors. If you wish to grow this beautiful plant, we will tell you about the basic rules for planting and caring for one-year-old zinnia.

Planting and caring for zinnia seeds

The site for this charming flower is chosen open and sunny without through air masses. If we talk about soil, then substrates with a weakly acidic or neutral reaction are more suitable for zinnia. The land itself must be fertile and loose. If in your garden loamy land, dilute them with sand and turf soil.

The planting is made as soon as the spring frosts are finally completed. Seed is buried 4-5 cm. Usually sprouts can be seen in seven to ten days. Once the seedlings have reached a height of 10-12 cm, they are recommended to be planted at a distance of 30-35 cm from each other. If, however, frosts occur, the site with small zinnias should be covered with non-woven material .

In regions where frost lasts from the flesh until May, the cultivation of zinnia from seedlings is recommended. In April the seeds are sown in a container, which is then transferred to a warm room with a temperature regime of the order of + 20 + 22 ° C and covered with a film. When there are shoots in a week, small plants dive into separate pots.

Care of Zinnia

The main condition for growing a spectacular flower is frequent, but moderate watering. Try not to spill water on stems and leaves when watering, so that zinnias do not have sunburns. Watering should be timely, in the absence of moisture, the flower is melted and blooms badly. Excessive hydration is also harmful - due to stagnation of moisture, the roots of zinnia often rot.

Of course, feeding is the key to a long and bright flowering. Fertilizers can be introduced when digging a site to plant zinnia. For each square meter scatter one tablespoon of nitrophosphate, superphosphate and potassium sulfate. In the future, you can support zinnia, using liquid mineral complexes for ornamental flowering plants. They are made during budding and, naturally, after flowering. Also, beds with zinnia require weeding from weeds and loosening of the soil. To stimulate flowering, dry inflorescences are removed.

Such simple rules of planting and caring for zinnia in the open ground will allow enjoying a magnificent lawn for almost the most part of summer and the beginning of autumn.