Hysteria in the store: "Buy!"

Modern stores and supermarkets are filled with a variety of goods, so an adult is sometimes difficult to make the right choice. Sometimes a bread ration turns out to be a waste of a large amount of money and the purchase of not so much needed goods. The temptation is great! And what can we say about children, whom the assortment of sweets and toys literally drives mad? Seeing the beautiful labels, bright packages, they begin to be capricious , beg, beg, and even fall hysterically to the floor, bringing their parents "to the handle." My mother has to blush, my father tries to restrain anger, the cashiers look at each other discontentedly, and the rest of the buyers look at their parents with indignation or sympathy. How to be in such situations? What should I do? React, go on about or punish? Let's understand.

Preventive measures

So, the main rule: you control, and not the child! Mom and Dad are adults, established personalities who must understand and assess the situation. Teach your baby to listen and hear you, the parent word must be law. But this does not mean that it is necessary to communicate with the baby in an orderly manner, because authority still has to be earned for parents.

Before going to the store, talk with your child about upcoming purchases. You can always agree! For example, about some toy that I would like to have a baby. In this case, the purchase should not be expensive. Or let the upcoming acquisition become a surprise for both of you, but on condition that the purchase will be the only one. An older child can be allocated a certain amount of money, so that the choice he could make independently. If you go to the store without excesses, then you and the baby will be satisfied. Did the child break the agreement? Then you have every right to refuse him and leave him at all without anything. Such a measure is not cruelty, but firmness and an educational moment. Due to this you will teach the child to defend his own borders and, if necessary, deny people.

React to the hysterics correctly

If all your efforts are in vain in the first supermarket, try not to injure your own psyche, nor the child's nerves, nor the mood of others. Let the baby stay with dad, grandmother or neighbor, until you make the necessary purchases. And if there is no way out, then in the supermarket, bypass departments with goods that can provoke a child "I want!", "Buy!" And, as a result, hysterics. It's no secret that the most dangerous area of ​​the supermarket in this respect is the cash register, or rather the layouts with sweets, small toys and other goods that are not very useful and even harmful to babies. Pass the child forward so that he does not have time to grab anything from the shelf, distract him with conversations. Did not work out? Then there are two options. The first is not react to screaming, crying, felting on the floor. Exit the store. Believe me, with outsiders a small manipulator immediately "give the back", because the main viewer has left! It is possible that he will even be ashamed of his behavior. Option two - in any way (by the hand, on his hands) lead the child out of the store, and already on the street seriously talk to him. But only when he stops hysterics. Remember, any of your words until that moment will only aggravate the situation. And let you have to survive a few such hysterics, but eventually the child will understand that screaming is not the best way to get what you want. But if you go to the occasion of the baby and follow his order "Buy!", The tantrums in the shops will become a habit.

And do not forget, the art of being parents does not consist in winning over your child, but in preventing this fight from arising!