How to grow beans - simple secrets of farming

Legumes are relatively easy to grow. If you follow the recommendations on how to grow beans, you can quickly get a crop of culture, which is widely used in the kitchen. It can be preserved, salads, soups, ragout are prepared. In addition, legumes have a link to nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and they improve the nutrition of the soil.

How to plant the beans in the open ground?

The first thing to think about is the right place for planting. Requirements for the area where the beans are grown:

How to grow beans in the open field?

The second stage is the preparation of the material for planting. How to grow beans from seeds:

How to care for the beans?

Having dealt with the landing, you should think about how to grow beans and provide it with competent care. The beans do not present complex requirements, but there are differences. Beans - the right growing and care:

  1. Loosening the soil. The earth needs to be pumped at the very beginning of germination, especially after irrigation or rain. This procedure does not allow soil to dry out and poorly to pass moisture. This is done carefully, so as not to damage the root system. Loosening can be combined with weeding.
  2. Pest control. Often, beans hit slugs . To prevent misfortune, we need to tear out weeds in a timely manner and monitor the moisture of the earth. When pests appear, manually delete them. Against fungal infections use drugs of copper.
  3. Topping. After the plants reach a height of two meters, they must be shortened from above, in order to stimulate the design of the ovaries.

Top dressing of beans

As a rule, to grow beans to the size of a large fruit help fertilizer. For the first time, bean culture is fed at a month's age. To do this, apply a mineral complex fertilizer (40 grams per square meter). The procedure is carried out together with loosening, mixing the composition with the soil. To grow beans in the garden, it is necessary to fill the lack of nitrogen, which arises in arid weather. For this, the ground is filled with a mixed bird droppings.

The second time fertilizers are introduced after 20 days. At this time they are required for the ovary of large fruits that need magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. This set of mineral elements is present in the wood ash. It is added directly to the ground or is prepared by infusion. Two tablespoons of the mixture per liter of water are insisted for a couple of days, then watered the plant

Irrigation of beans

Beans are very fond of water, especially during the formation of foliage and pods. It is important to know how to properly grow beans and do not over-moisten it. At first, the culture is watered once a week, using about 5-6 liters of water per square meter. After the plant has 4-5 leaves, moistening can be stopped - this is due to the fact that excess moisture contributes to the growth of the foliage, and fruiting deteriorates.

Watering resumes after flowering begins and pods form. His rate rises - 15-20 liters per square meter. It is best to use rainwater between the rows. It is advisable to avoid getting drops on the foliage, so as not to provoke fungal diseases. Watering is done in the morning, so that the land can dry by night.

Which beans are better to grow?

This culture of the family of legumes has fruits in the form of horns with fruits. To know how to grow a string bean, it is important to determine the plant variety. All its species are divided into two types according to their growth: curly and bushy. Fruits vary in size and shade - there are red , white , yellow, purple, monochrome or spotted. In addition, they have different maturation periods. To have the whole harvest season, you can combine varieties. The bush bean, for example, takes up a lot of space, but is premature. Winding allows you to get a great harvest on a small patch.

Asparagus beans - growing

This culture is very similar to asparagus. Its difference from conventional beans is that the pods do not have a parchment layer, they are eaten with green. How to grow asparagus beans:

How to grow red beans?

Varieties of red beans are different: Colorado, Skorospelka, Tashkent, Tomato and decorative species - Winner with bright red flowers or Raspberry ring with pink. Red beans attract high yield and richness of vitamins. It grows on any soil, except clay. How to grow a decorative string bean:

Black beans - how to grow?

Such beans are found in maroon as a sort of Kindi or almost black - Preto. These beans differ from others in high sweetness, strong structure and smack of smoked meat. Studies of the composition of black beans have proved that this is the most rich and useful product of plant origin. It contains a large amount of protein, close to the animal.

Agrotechnics of cultivation of black beans , cultivation and care of it do not differ from other kinds of ordinary beans. It grows well on light soils, before planting the seeds are soaked in hot water (70 degrees) with the addition of potassium permanganate. Further care involves loosening, weeding, feeding, watering, mainly during flowering. It is interesting that only black fruits are not affected by a pest with a grain. Having dealt with the question of how to grow beans, it is important to ensure the safety of beans. To do this, they are dried and kept in fabric bags.

How to grow white beans?

The plant with white fruits refers to the ripening and high-yielding. The variety requires isolation during planting, one bush is allocated a distance of about half a meter. Growing beans, some recommendations: