Varieties of sweet thick-walled pepper for open ground

If we briefly describe the sweet pepper varieties, we can say the following: a heat-loving, photophilic, perennial plant, although our climatic conditions allow it to grow only as an annual one. The taste of this vegetable directly depends on the conditions of growing and caring for the plant. In most cases this culture is grown through seedlings in greenhouses, but there are also very good varieties of sweet pepper especially for open ground.

The best varieties and hybrids of sweet pepper

It is simply impossible to list and describe an incredible variety of sweet pepper varieties. Therefore, we will focus only on those who are considered the best in the circle of leading truck farmers. Choosing the best varieties, criteria such as yield, taste, resistance to diseases and weather conditions were taken into account. Such varieties include:

  1. The Bel Goy. The fruits are large, cubiform, slightly elongated. Fruit weight up to 450 g, has an amazing peppery taste. The size of the bush is 1.2 m.
  2. "White gold". Early ripening variety. The fruit is pearly yellow with a weight of up to 400 g. Very juicy, fragrant with a delicate spicy taste. The size of the bush is no more than 40 cm.
  3. Another variety with a terrific taste is the "Siberian format". The fruit is cuboidal, red in color up to 500 g. The height of the bush is up to 70 cm.
  4. "The sun of Italy". The shape of the fruit is similar to the prism, orange-lemon color, with an ideal care the weight reaches 600 g. It has excellent taste qualities.

Varieties of sweet pepper with thick walls

Our hostesses really appreciate pepper with thick walls. Such varieties are ideal for any salad and billets. Large-fruited with thick walls are such varieties as: