Can I gargle with throat furatsilinom during pregnancy?

Such a drug, as Furacilin, belongs to the group of antiseptic medicines, i.e. used to combat harmful microorganisms. In its composition, it contains an aromatic nitro group, namely this component causes the death of pathogenic microbes. The preparation is produced in the form of tablets and powder, which is used for the preparation of solutions.

Knowing about the prohibition of taking many medications during pregnancy, future moms are often interested in: can Furacilin gargle at the first signs of a cold and pain in it. Let's try to answer this question.

Is furacilin permitted during pregnancy?

According to the instructions to the drug and the advice of doctors, you can use Furacil only externally, i.e. Take it in the form of tablets when carrying a baby is prohibited.

Also, with the current pregnancy, you can gargle with Thuracilinum. However, the future mother must be careful not to accidentally swallow the solution. You can use only an aqueous solution of the drug, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently from Furacilin tablets. At the same time enough to crush 1 tablet of this drug and pour them 200 ml of boiled, hot water, mix thoroughly. After it cools, you can rinse your mouth and throat.

How long can Furacilin be used and are there contraindications to its use?

Gargling with Thuracilin can be given to pregnant women for no more than 3 days, after which if pain and symptoms do not disappear, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The main contraindication to the use of the drug is an allergic reaction, with the development of which the drug is canceled. Also, side effects from the use of furatsilina include nausea, vomiting, dizziness. With prolonged use, neuritis can develop.

Thus, it is necessary to say that pregnant women can gargle Thuracilin's throat, but whether it is worth doing in a specific case, the doctor should decide.