Rutarium - a whimsical landscape design

Rutarii is a new trend in landscape design, but for creative people who are accustomed to decorating their yard and garden with works from improvised materials, there is nothing fundamentally new in it, except as names. It came from English root - root. Thus, one can guess that the rutarium is a composition of roots, stumps, snags, branches and ornamental plants. But this is not just a "hlamosbornik", as it may seem from words, but a real work of art, more like a living sculpture. In addition to aesthetic, rutarians are also endowed with a certain metaphysical meaning, because the very concept of a root has a number of meanings:

Thus, there is a version that the presence of a rutarium on the plot is extremely positive for the person's health. It gives the inhabitants of the adjacent territory strength, vitality, confidence, attracts success.

Principles of creating rutarium

How to make a rutarium by yourself?

The creation of the composition is carried out in several stages, each of which should be approached responsibly and deliberately:

1. The choice of location depends on what you want to get in the end. If a bright and positive composition in combination with flowers, greenery and garden sculptures, it is better to choose for her place in the center of the garden, on a visible and passable territory. If you plan to make a secluded corner for reflection, then the best place to implement the idea is a remote and shady corner.

2. Collection of material. The best place for this is the nearest forest. Look at the dry roots, branches and driftwood with new eyes: for sure among them inflate those that quite clearly resemble some objects or characters. For fidelity, you can take with you friends or children - those who have a thinking and fantasy is clearly different from yours. This will allow you to expand the scope of your stereotypes. You can also use stones, sculptures and plants.

3. Preparation of the material. In order for the rutharium to please you as long as possible, we process its components:

4. Construct the rutarium. After all the preparatory processes, you can proceed directly to the creation of the composition, having premeditated and presented the result. For clarity, you can draw a rutarium plan on paper, connecting all your imagination and artistic abilities. Succulents are usually used as plants, as well as ground cover plants with shallow roots. Beautifully look garden begonia , fuchsia, petunia, nasturtium, as well as a variety of ampel plants with drooping branches and loaches.