Beet with breastfeeding

Newly mum often worries how eating vegetables and fruits of bright color will affect the baby's health and whether it leads to the development of allergic reactions and gastrointestinal dysfunction. One of the most common questions a pediatrician is: is it possible to eat raw or cooked beets during breastfeeding. It is known that this vegetable is very useful for the following reasons:

  1. In the pulp and juice of beet in high concentrations contain fiber and pectin, which significantly improve the digestive system, both mothers and babies.
  2. Beet during breastfeeding will be an excellent prevention of anemia due to the high iron content.
  3. Iodine helps to properly adjust the thyroid gland.

And this is not all of the valuable properties of beets.

When should you start eating beets during lactation?

Many mothers are interested in what month the use of beets for breastfeeding is permissible. Experienced pediatricians advise in order to avoid excesses, wait at least a month or two after giving birth and do not rush to make salads with this vegetable. As practice shows, beet during breastfeeding does not always cause an allergy in the first month of life of the baby, but it is not excluded. When introducing the vegetable into the diet, carefully observe the reaction of the child: if the skin appears rashes, redness, or the child often worries, you should temporarily exclude beets from the menu. It can also cause increased gas formation, bloating or colic in the baby. Therefore, to eat beets when breastfeeding newborn doctors are not advised.

In what form do I use beetroot?

If you belong to a small group of fans of this vegetable, who prefer to eat it raw, you need to wait with it. Nutritionists believe that the best option for breastfeeding will be cooked beets. Also, it can be cooked in a couple, in the oven or multivark. Vegetables are consumed either separately or in a borsch or second course. It is very useful when breastfeeding salad from boiled beet with the addition of carrots, dressed with vegetable oil. Do not forget the basic rules of processing this product:

  1. It is better to buy vegetables in proven places, for example, in shops with a good reputation or from trusted private traders.
  2. Do not forget to thoroughly wash the beet before use.
  3. If you are breastfeeding, you can not re-salve a dish with this vegetable, as well as add spicy spices and seasonings.