Low hemoglobin in pregnancy

Future mothers in the period of waiting for a new life constantly have to take all sorts of tests. Including, several times for pregnancy the woman's blood is examined for hemoglobin level. Quite often, this indicator is too low, which can have an extremely negative impact on the health of the future mother and baby.

In this article, we will tell you what is the threat of low hemoglobin in pregnancy and give several effective ways to increase the concentration of this substance.

Causes of low hemoglobin in pregnancy

The main reason for the lowering of hemoglobin in women in the "interesting" position is a natural increase in blood volume. As a result, the concentration of protein transporting oxygen and other nutrients throughout the body of the expectant mother is slightly reduced. In addition, a large part of the iron is taken over by a growing and developing fetus. In women with multiple pregnancies, this problem becomes even more acute.

That's why almost all future mothers suffer from lack of iron. In addition, the following circumstances may exacerbate the situation:

Consequences of low hemoglobin in pregnancy

A slight drop in hemoglobin in the period of waiting for a new life is physiological, so it is not dangerous for a future mother and an unborn baby. Meanwhile, a marked decrease in the concentration of this protein, or iron deficiency anemia, can provoke severe and unpleasant consequences.

So, due to low hemoglobin, the fetus begins to experience deficiency of oxygen and other useful substances, as a result of which hypoxia can develop . In addition, iron deficiency anemia can become a direct cause of late toxicosis and premature discharge of amniotic fluid.

In rare cases, under the influence of low hemoglobin in a pregnant woman does not develop labor activity, a child is born earlier than expected time and immature, due to which it is characterized by excessively low weight and increased susceptibility to various infections. Sometimes these children are observed inhibition of the growth of blood cells and various disorders of the hematopoietic function of the body.

How to raise low hemoglobin during pregnancy?

Every woman who, when she is pregnant, finds out that she has low hemoglobin, thinks about what to do in order to increase the level of this indicator. To be engaged in a selftreatment in the given situation it is impossible, as available infringement can provoke serious and dangerous consequences.

That is why a future mother needs to see a doctor for a detailed examination and the appointment of a comprehensive treatment, including the mandatory intake of iron preparations, for example, Maltofer, Fenyuls or Ferrum Lek.

For her part, a pregnant woman should make changes in the diet and include in her daily menu such foods as liver, buckwheat, beef, fish, eggs, beets, rye, oatmeal, stale bread, peaches, apricots in fresh and dried form, nuts, spinach, green apples, pomegranates and natural pomegranate juice, carrots, persimmons, parsley, beans and dried mushrooms.