How to learn to dream properly?

Perhaps, after reading the title of the article, many will be surprised - what is there to learn? The main eyes to cover, but more air locks to represent. On the one hand, it's true, if everything is fine with the imagination, then there should not be any special problems with dreams. Only that's the trouble - how many of such ephemeral pictures become a reality? Well, if one, and even the simplest, like buying a new thing. And it happens because we do not dream properly, so let's figure out how to do it, so that the desires are surely fulfilled.

Learning to dream properly

  1. Positive thinking . Remember, what were you thinking about last day? How many of your thoughts were joyful, do you expect luck or happiness every day? Often we adjust ourselves to the negative outcome of events, and then we sincerely wonder why we are so unlucky. Remember, thoughts are material, they are destined to be fulfilled, and if you have been in trouble all day, they will certainly happen. Therefore, start believing in the best, unfavorable outcome you can calculate, but hope that everything will end well.
  2. Dream carefully. Perhaps you are day after day fantasizing about a new car or expecting the appearance of a "prince on a white horse," but dreams are not going to come true, why? Most likely, you simply do not think about the consequences of fulfilling your desire, confining yourself to a simple "want." To make the dream come true, it is necessary to detail it, to think how your life will gradually lead you to the fulfillment of your dreams. Thoughts necessarily materialize, if you show them the right channel, otherwise nothing will come of it. But beware of thinking through the very way of fulfilling the desire, for example, to present in the smallest detail the meeting with the future husband. So you just pound yourself into the framework, closing other opportunities to fulfill your desire.
  3. One knowledge of how to fulfill a dream is not enough. Often, we do a lot to fulfill our ideas, we correctly reflect, but the distance between the dream and its fulfillment is not reduced. This may be due to the fact that our dream is not at all what we need, just a fleeting whim, and not what we need for happiness. For example, you want to become a famous singer, while you always had the ability in exact sciences, can it be better to do what you really do? Do you really want a rich husband, ignoring a man who is genuinely in love with you, whose wealth is much lower than the annual incomes of the oligarchs? Do you want wealth? And why, just for the sake of owning it, without any creative goals? But this is wrong, its execution will not bring you happiness, providing only the loss of the meaning of the further existence, because having received money without knowing about their application, you will be taken for self-destruction, so think carefully what is the means and what is the goal. Do this with each of your dreams, try to answer the question, what will you do when it turns. If you are sure, that this fantasy is exactly what will give you happiness, then take it for its fulfillment.

And finally, you can dream any way you want, have an incredibly strong imagination that helps you visualize your fantasies , but you will not get anything if you sit still. For the fulfillment of any desire, some reflections are not enough, real action is needed. Therefore, sit on the couch and take the steps necessary to fulfill your fantasies. And, of course, do not forget to dream, just do it right, strive to develop and learn new things, and everything will necessarily turn out for you.