Soup lagman

Lagman - Asian dish, which is a soup, which includes home-made noodles, meat, vegetables and spices. Such a dish is sure to please all your loved ones and will become crowned on your table. Let's look at a few recipes for cooking soup lagman at home.

The soup-lagman's recipe


For noodles:


First, let's prepare noodles for ourselves: in a small bowl, pour a little warm filtered water, butter, add fresh eggs and throw small salt. We beat the whisk thoroughly and gradually pour the wheat flour. We knead the dense dough with our hands and form a smooth sausage from it. We wrap it in a food film, cover it with a kitchen towel and leave it for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, we process all the vegetables and cut them: the onion shredded with half rings, the Bulgarian pepper - with strips, and the carrots shred on the grater. Cut the potatoes into cubes, and chop the garlic. Tomatoes we lower in boiling water, we take out, we remove a skin and we cut the flesh with plates. Meat is processed, chopped slices and fried in a well-heated oil in a deep frying pan. Then add beef and spices to the beef to taste. Brush all 5 minutes, stirring. After that, spread tomatoes, tomato paste and chopped garlic. We take 10 minutes, then add potatoes, carrots and peppers. Fry all together until soft and pour hot boiled water. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook soup for 40 minutes, covering with a lid.

Working table is sprinkled with flour, we divide the dough into 2 parts, roll into balls and roll each into a thin layer. We wind it on the rolling pin, carefully remove it and flatten it carefully with your hand. Then cut into thin strips, boil the noodles in salted boiling water for 10 minutes, and throw back into the colander. After that, we wash it in ice water. Now lay out the house noodles on plates, add to each vegetable with meat and fill it with broth. We decorate the dish with chopped greens and call everyone to have dinner!

Lamb soup with lamb



Thin home-made noodles are boiled in a saucepan filled with salted hot water until cooked. After this, throw it into a colander and rinse thoroughly with cold water. The meat is rinsed, dried, processed and shredded in small slices. The bulb is cleaned and shredded in cubes. Carrots and potatoes are cleaned and finely chopped, and garlic squeezed through the press. Bulgarian pepper cut in half, take out all seeds and crumbs. In the cauldron we pour a little vegetable oil, lay out the meat and fry it until ready. Then add the onion, stir and lightly brown. After that, add potatoes, carrots, peppers and garlic. Fry everything to a golden color, stirring constantly. Now we pour in water, add salt, pepper to taste and cook on the slowest fire until it is completely ready. In small deep plates, we first put home noodles and pour the finished gravy with broth. On top, sprinkle the finished dish with finely chopped herbs.