Products containing selenium in large quantities

For many, selenium is an unknown substance, but in fact this microelement deserves close attention. It is important for the normal operation of many internal organs and systems. In addition, this substance performs a number of important functions in the body, so it is worth knowing in which foods a lot of selenium is needed to make up the body. Only thanks to the daily replenishment of the balance can you feel useful properties.

In what products is a lot of selenium?

To begin with, I would like to say about what daily rate of consumption of this trace element. Scientists say that as a separate element of selenium, is a poison and if it is eaten more than normal, then there may be different problems with the body, for example, but insufficient quantity leads to a deficit, which is also bad. In fact, the daily dosage is very small and is only 0.00001 g. To get useful substances for the body, it is recommended to simply diversify the menu.

In which products the greatest content of selenium:

  1. The leaders in the content of this substance are unrefined grains, for example, bran, coarse flour or sprouted grains. To get the daily rate it is enough to eat one handful of flakes.
  2. In large quantities, this microelement is found in various seafood, for example, fish, shrimp, squid, etc. It is included in the composition and salt.
  3. A product containing selenium in large quantities - brewer's yeast. It is worth noting that in this case the trace element is digested much better. You can also use ordinary yeast for baking, but they need to be poured with boiling water. The daily amount is 2 g. It is necessary to drink yeast only with water, but the rate of selenium consumption is 4-10 days.
  4. There is it in the by-products of various animals: the kidneys, the heart and the liver.
  5. Talking about what foods are selenium, I would like to isolate garlic, but with the loss of the smell, the healing properties also disappear. For the prevention of colds, you can consume 35-50 ml of garlic juice per day.
  6. Having figured out which products contain more selenium, it's worth noting that after the heat treatment the amount of this substance is significantly reduced. After preservation, selenium disappears completely. Another important point - selenium can destroy carbohydrates, so under the ban are different sweets, pastries and other similar products. If the body receives a lot of carbohydrates, then this useful trace element is not digested at all.