Jam from mulberry - useful properties

Jam from mulberry is not only delicious, but also has pronounced beneficial properties. In the Middle East, where mulberry grows in every yard, not only jam is prepared from its berries, but also means for use in folk medicine.

Useful properties of jam from mulberry

The jam made of mulberries benefits from the main ingredient - berries. Mulberry contains a wide range of vitamins - PP, A, C, B1 and B2, as well as organic acids, micro- and macro elements. Thanks to these substances, the positive effect of using mulberry extends to the entire body, but especially noticeably - on the immune system. With a cold jam of mulberry helps relieve cough, eliminate sore throat and improve overall health.

In addition to enhancing the protective properties of the body, mulberry improves the functioning of the urinary and digestive systems, strengthens the nervous system. If there is a small amount of mulberry jam before going to bed, it will help improve the quality of sleep and help fight the consequences of stress. In the morning, such a jam will give the body vigor and energy.

Despite the heat treatment, mulberry jam retains the bulk of fresh berries. It is a good alternative to frozen or dried mulberries. when stored incorrectly, berries lose useful substances faster. However, it is forbidden to take a great interest in preparations, which include sugar, to people suffering from diabetes, and is not recommended for obese patients.

Harm mulberry can bring in the presence of a person hypersensitivity to any components of the berry. Unfortunately, mulberry is considered a highly allergenic product, therefore it is necessary to try it for the first time carefully. Do not abuse jam from mulberry and suffering from hypertension.