How to make a compress?

Compress is a physiotherapeutic procedure, based on the therapeutic effect of which is the temperature effect.

Types of compresses

There are such types of compresses:

  1. Cold compress, he's a lotion. Causes local cooling and constriction of blood vessels. Such compresses are used for injuries, bruises with bruises, sprains, etc.
  2. Hot compress. Used to accelerate the resorption of local inflammation, with hepatic and renal colic , to relieve muscle spasms. The procedure consists in applying a bandage or cloth moistened in hot (60-70 ° C) water to a certain area, which is covered with polyethylene and then with a dense cloth.
  3. Warming compress. Perhaps the most common and often used type of compresses, in which the warming effect is achieved with various substances (alcohol and alcohol tinctures, various ointments, fats, turpentine). Such compresses are made for colds, various inflammatory diseases, radiculitis , arthritis, etc.

How correctly to make a warming compress?

Consider the technology of setting a warming compress:

  1. For the basis of the compress is taken folded in several layers of gauze, which is impregnated with a medical solution. With a thick medicinal mixture, the product is applied to the cheesecloth from above and is applied to the desired area.
  2. Over the gauze is superimposed a film or compress (parchment) paper, so that its edges at least 2 cm protruded beyond the lower layer.
  3. For thermal insulation and obtaining the desired effect from above, it is necessary to wrap the place of application of the compress with a woolen scarf or scarf.
  4. The duration of the compress can be from 2 to 10 hours.
  5. Procedures can be done several times a day, but with a break of at least 2 hours, so that the skin has time to rest, and there was no irritation. After removing the compress, it is desirable to wash the skin with warm water and wipe dry.
  6. After removing the compress, the place of its application must be covered with warm clothing or wrapped in a scarf. Rapid cooling of the area of ​​the skin on which the compress was applied can lead to the opposite effect.

In addition, it should be noted that the application of warming compresses is not allowed in the presence of open injuries, irritations and purulent rashes on the skin. Heating compresses do not overlap the heart area.

How to make an alcohol compress?

Such compresses are one of the simplest and most common. Alcohol Compress can be done both in the throat with angina, and in the ear (with otitis etc.), on the inflamed joints and any other part of the body. They are imposed according to the scheme described above.

For the compress is used or medical alcohol, which must be diluted in a proportion of 1: 3 (for 96%) or 1: 2 (for 70%), or vodka.

If vodka is taken for a compress, then it is not diluted, except when the patient has excessively dry and sensitive skin. In the latter case, the vodka can be diluted 1: 1 with water, and, correspondingly, the proportions increase twice when the alcohol is diluted.