Flax seed meal

Flax is a very popular plant. He is adored by culinary specialists. It admires non-traditional medicine. Flax seed flour is one of the varieties of medicinal products that can be prepared on the basis of grains. It can be used to treat various diseases and always shows excellent results.

Benefits of flour from flax seeds

Immediately need to focus on the fact that flax flour and ground grain - it's completely different things. Their main difference is that the flour is degreased, and this effect is achieved only in industrial conditions. That is, it does not contain linseed oil. Thanks to this, the product can be stored for a much longer time, because in the usual powder, the oils are oxidized and it quickly deteriorates. That's why, instead of trying to figure out how to make flour from flax seeds, it's easier to go to a pharmacy - the medicinal product is sold almost everywhere.

Useful properties of the substance - the merit of its various healing composition. The low-fat powder contains:

It is enough simply to add flour from flax seeds to the diet, and soon the gastrointestinal tract will improve noticeably, the state of the intestinal microflora will be normalized. If necessary, based on the means, you can prepare a wonderful laxative.

The powder has proven itself in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. And phytoestrogens favorably affect the condition of the female body at any period of life.

Several cases are known to medicine when, as a result of regular intake of a small amount of flaxseed flour, the body completely cleanses, against which the suppression of growth of malignant cells was observed. Moreover, the powder was able to neutralize neoplasms not only at the initial stage, but also at the middle stage of development.

But this is not all useful properties of the tool. Flax seed flour is also used for:

How to take flour from flax seeds?

You can use it in different ways. Someone flax replaces the usual wheat flour, cooking pastries, or uses it instead of breadcrumbs. Someone likes to add powder to drinks, sour-milk products and cereals. And to cleanse the body of toxins, for example, you can simply mix the product with water and drink before bed.

Tasty and useful dish - jelly. To cook it, you will need only three tablespoons of flour and a liter of water. The components are mixed and brought to a boil. If desired, at this stage, you can add the favorite jam, honey or zest in the mixture.

To treat flax seed flour more effectively, you should follow a few simple tips:

  1. During treatment, you need to drink plenty of water. This is necessary to prevent constipation.
  2. You need to start taking small doses. And increase them gradually.
  3. It is necessary to use flour before going to bed.

Contraindications to the use of flour from flax seeds

As such, there are no contraindications to flax flour. But there are some recommendations:

  1. With caution, use the drug should patients with stones in the kidney or gallbladder.
  2. It is not recommended to eat more than two spoonfuls of powder per day.